The dynamic load history is needed to perform the FE analysis of moved mechanical equipment. It is gotten by the measurement or the dynamic analysis. Also, dynamics which is based on the analysis process is the beginning of all CAE analyses. RecurDyn has been evolved as the professional CAE program from MBD (Multi Body Dynamics) to the FE analysis, the optimization analysis, and the automatic control. Especially, the importance of Mechatronics (mechatronics = mechanics + electronics) in the mechanical equipment is increased gradually and the CAE analysis which is reflected by it is essential. RecurDyn most efficiently analyzes to the mechanism plant and the control plant in a solver. RecurDyn V7R5 is innovated as the world's first dynamic program by including the nodal method of FEM and the self-mesher function. Also, RecurDyn has the integration of analysis from the load analysis to the fatigue analysis by adding the fatigue analysis.
Newly released in 2013, RecurDyn V8R2 is more powerful and convenient to use than ever.
It contains more than 100 new features and improvements, such as optimizations to the user experience,
improved convenience in MFBD (Multi-Flexible Body Dynamics) model, post-processing improvements,
increased library of material properties, and enhanced solver performance.
RecurDyn V8R2 improves the user experience of transforming an MBD model into an MFBD model,
strengthens MFBD analysis, and improves post processing. And it also contains enhancements to its customized Toolkit
for major industries to improve user convenience and engineering capabilities.