Future Facilities 6SigmaDC R9


6SigmaDC Overview Ground-breaking software for the DataCenter Industry 6SigmaDC is the unique software suite from Future Facilities for datacenter operators, datacenter designers, facilities managers, field engineers and equipment designers, in fact anyone who has an interest in contributing to designing and/or maintaining a model datacenter. This comprehensive toolset allows you to build and test an entire Virtual Facility (VF) – the holistic 3D mathematical representation of your datacenter at any point in time – past, present and future. Indeed you can use software modules from the suite to check out the configuration at almost any level right down to the design of a specific item of IT equipment. The VF provides a standard way for any stakeholder to share their ideas, plans and proposals with each other, so not only does it allow one to design or evaluate space, power, cooling and network decisions but the VF provides a great communication methodology between the interested parties. In fact it can be used to coordinate design, planning and implementation throughout the datacenter lifecycle. Here are just some ways in which the 6SigmaDC software can be used, whether for green-field site or day-to-day management: Use the VF: To design, plan and configure your new facility, extension or upgrade: - Consider architectural form (e.g. floor void height room shape), location and general methodology such as cooling in service corridors, perimeter cooling or in-row cooling; - Layout cooling, power & network infrastructure to meet the needs of the building plan and IT requirements; To manage IT deployment in the room to: - Maximize cooling/energy efficiency; - Balance power configurations; - Improve cable routing; - Maximize space utilization; - Maintain your inventory, and - Test changes before they go live; As a training tool to introduce new personnel to the datacenter without risk; Design and plan your equipment configuration at: Room level; Cabinet level; Or if you are a supplier even the detailed design within the equipment itself.


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