HEEDS | mdo
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Software
HEEDS® MDO automates the design optimization process. With revolutionary search strategies available only in HEEDS, you can uncover new design concepts that improve products and significantly reduce development costs. Even engineers with very little design optimization experience can use HEEDS MDO to discover optimal designs — in a fraction of the time it would take to perform even a handful of manual iterations.
Unlocks the Power of Your CAE Tools
HEEDS MDO integrates well with all popular CAE applications to automate and expedite design optimization. It can work with multiple software tools to handle pre- and post-processing, simulation, and multidisciplinary optimization.
HEEDS MDO features direct input and output portals for the following tools:
► Abaqus ► MATLAB
► Abaqus/CAE ► Nastran
► Adams ► NX
► ANSYS WB ► SolidWorks
► Excel ► SolidWorks Simulation
Additionally, HEEDS MDO offers a powerful generic interface that allows it to link to any commercial or proprietary CAE tool that creates input and/or output files in ASCII format. If you want to know whether your tool will work with HEEDS MDO, view the list of compatible tools or contact us to find out.
Exclusive Search Technology
HEEDS MDO's default search method, SHERPA, uses multiple search strategies simultaneously, and it dynamically adapts to the problem as it learns about the design space. The unique advantages of SHERPA include:
Speed — SHERPA requires fewer evaluations than other methods and often finds a solution the first time, saving you days or even weeks of CPU time during routine optimization studies.
Robustness — SHERPA identifies better-quality solutions, for broad classes of problems, and performs global and local optimization at the same time.
No tuning parameters — With SHERPA, you only need to specify the number of evaluations you want to conduct.
Whether the problem is structural (linear or nonlinear, static or dynamic, bulk materials or composites), fluid, thermal, or acoustic in nature, involves NVH and dynamics, or any combination of these, HEEDS MDO can help you find the optimal solution.
Intuitive to Use
Even though the technology driving HEEDS MDO is complex, the software is user-friendly. The unique tabbed interface leads you clearly through the six-step process of project setup and execution.
MDO's Tabbed Interface
Extensive Feature Set
Whether you need to improve the design of a simple engineered system or solve multidisciplinary problems, HEEDS MDO is flexible and powerful enough to identify the values, or attributes, that will satisfy your design criteria. You can perform four different study types with HEEDS MDO:
Design Optimization
Design of Experiments (DOE)
Process Automation
Robustness and Reliability