ThirdWaveSystems AdvantEdge 6.2


ThirdWaveSystems AdvantEdge 6.2 AdvantEdge is a validated finite element analysis solution for the optimization of metal cutting. AdvantEdge was specifically developed to improve tool design, increase material removal rates, extend tool life, improve part quality and more. AdvantEdge analyzes the machining process by modeling at the tool-workpiece level. Then, based on the physics of machining, the product embodies state-of-the-art finite element technology and material modeling for an accurate representation of cutting mechanics. The user-friendly modeling products are used by engineers looking to improve tool design, increase material removal rates, extend tool life, improve part quality and more. Utilizing AdvantEdge decreases the need for trial and error testing, ultimately getting products to market faster. MACHINING MODELING AdvantEdge enables engineers to analyze machining processes in 2D and 3D environments. Manufacturers across the globe find AdvantEdge to be a valuable step in the design of milling, grooving, boring, sawing, broaching, drilling and turning processes. Engineers who use AdvantEdge are also given the power to analyze temperature and stress in order to predict tool wear behavior and performance. By comparing case-by-base scenarios, engineers can easily identify and implement optimum parameters.


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