AutoForm Plus R6.0.1.4 Update
R6.0.1 is the first released patch version of AutoFormplus
R6 and is available
for download on our website from November 23, 2015.
With the AutoFormplus
R6.0.1 patch several significant bugs in AutoFormplus
products, AutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIA
, AutoForm-QuickLinkforNX
and AutoForm-OneStepforCATIA
have been fixed. There are no changes in AutoForm-QuickLinkforCATIA
NOTE: There are no changes in AutoForm-Solverplus R6.0.1 which might lead to different
simulation results compared to AutoForm-Solverplus
For more detailed information, please refer to section 3 Release Content.
The compatibility of data files between AutoFormplus
R6 and AutoFormplus
R6.0.1 is bi-directional, meaning that data files created with AutoFormplus
R6.0.1 can be processed in
R6 and vice versa.
New Features
“Read-Only” mode This new modus allows to only read afd files but not to overwrite or even
to save them. Two different options with two different levels of limitation
1. Administrator sets the variable ReadOnlyMode in
systemConfigFile.xml (MiscellaneousConfiguration) to true. No
saving at all is possible.
2. User opens an afd file with Open Read-Only. Save as… is
Share thru
QuickLink exports
Hemming Roller
Parameters of Hemming Rollers used on Die Face stage are now
exported with Share thru QuickLink.
Modified Features
R6.0.1 – Standalone (User Interface and Solver) contains no Modified
Fixed Bugs
R5.X and R6
running in parallel
R5.X and R6 were sometimes not running at the same time when wrong
order of network cards disabled license access.
Loading R5.X
Standard File in
Loading R5.X Standard file in R6 Standard Editor causes non visible
entries in column Std / Def /Lck.
6 Release Notes
Formcheck result
variables in
Dynamic Section
Formcheck result variables were not visible in Dynamic Section.
led & UTF8 coding
When using UTF8 coding (e.g. Ü, é, 怆…) in combination with the option
InputOnlyFileEnabled (see systemConfigFile.xml) solver stopped with an
error message.
STL File Import &
UTF8 coding
STL files could not be imported (Part stage) if the file name or the folder
name contained UTF8 coding (e.g. Japanese characters).
Loading big files
with “automatic
loading of
Loading big Sigma file (e.g. 18 Gb) with the preference Automatically
loaded Evaluation Standard by Open Design caused performance
“Rigid Body
Transformation of
Sheet” for Export
Transformations defined on Process stage with Rigid Body
Transformation of Sheet were wrongly considered for Export Sheet.
Supports Press
Velocity Profiles
Remote computing did not support press velocity profiles.
Part Stage
Import IGES Files IGES files (with specific IGES entities) caused crash and software hang-up.
Material Type
“Rolled” for
second or
following Material
Zone stopped
When second or following Material Zone was defined as Rolled thickness
was set to 0 and the solver stopped.
Material Zone
“Constant Patch”
cannot be