AutoFormplus Stand-alone
3.1.1. New Features
AutoFormplus R5.1 contains the following new features:
• Tool Temperature In addition to the constant tool temperature also the distributed tool temperature, external calculated or measured, is available for improving hot forming results and for postprocessing.
• Local blank zones Additional zones on the blank are available to define a local pre-cooling or an additional local heating zone.
Process Stage
• Constrained Springback Single sided clamps and double sided clamps can be combined.
• Opening of Tools The ram incl. tools can be opened for operations calculated with the element type EPS (Elastic Plastic Shell).
Material Files with Brand Name
• Bilstein GmbH & Co. KG Advanced High Strength Steel Materials (ZE500, ZE570, ZE630, ZE760, ZE790, ZE1000) from Bilstein are provided in the materials folder BrandName_MDB.
Part Stage
• Formcheck Running Formcheck analysis with part containing flanges crashed.
• Import Tool Importing tool geometry in igs format might have caused crash.
• Import Geometry Importing geometry in igs format generated by a PTC product (e.g. Creo) failed.
Die Face Stage
• Addendum Bar Height Editing Addenumd Bar Height curve crashed.
• Trimcheck Confirming Pick Curve dialog with OK during Automatic Saving crashed.
• Geometric Trimcheck Running Geometric trimcheck crashed.
• Die Entry Curve Updating the Addendum, containing the Die Entry Curve set dependent to a drawbead curve, crashed.
Blank Stage
• Blank Outline Only one control point of a radius was selected in Curve Editor, but using the Tab key wrongly, the radius value over all control points is applied.
Process Stage
• Adaptive Line Beads Force calculation (Uplift and Restraining) was wrong.
• Drawbead Copying Drawbead Input curve crashed.