The Intel(R) C++ Composer XE 2013 for
Windows* offer what you need in an
industry-leading C++ compiler
including optimization features and
multithreading capabilities; highly
optimized performance libraries; and
error-checking, security, and
profiling tools, allowing developers
to create multithreaded applications
and maximize application performance,
security, and reliability.
Intel(R) C++ Composer XE 2013 for ?
Windows* includes the following ?
components: ?
* Intel(R) C++ Compiler XE 13.0.0 for
building applications that run on IA-32 or
Intel(R) 64 architecture systems running
the Windows* operating system
* Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives?
* Intel(R) Math Kernel Library 11.0 * Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks 4.1
* Integration into Microsoft development
* Sample programs
* On-disk documentation