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- Platform:/WinNT/2000/XP
- Freshtime:2009-06-14
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SystemVue 2009.05 Features and Benefits
LTE Library
Supports LTE v8.5.0 (Dec 2008) with the latest FDD/TDD/MIMO modes.
- Supports PUSCH Hopping for v8.5.0.
- Updates the generation of DMRS for PUSCH: n DMRS(1) values can be varied from subframes and are selected from table of TS 36.211 v8.5.0.
- Supports SRS generation and mapping for v8.5.0.
- Supports PUCCH format shorten 1 for v8.5.0.
- The random access preamble format 4 PRACH starts 4832*Ts before the end of the UpPTS at the UE.
- Updates Precoding for large delay CDD for v8.5.0.
- The BCH block size is fixed to be 24.
- Adds the LTE_BCH_Gen part to generate BCH information bits.
- Updates PDCCH settings and mappings to the CCEs (supporting UE-specific and Common search spaces).
- Updates DCI output bit number for Formats 1B, 1D and 2.
- Adds four example workspaces for Downlink/Uplink channel coding and decoding.
- Updates the LTE_MIMO_Channel part to support 4x4 MIMO channel.
- Supports outputting system configuration information in Simulation Log window for top-level signal sources.
- Supports outputting input/output port rates and other useful information in Simulation.
- Log window for the LTE parts with the DisplayPortRates parameter.
Date Flow Simulation
- Increased simulation speed for data flow simulations; especially important for fixed-point and LTE models and simulations.
- Faster architecture-level verifications against system specification with modulated carriers.
- Lower memory size for data flow simulations.
- Lower memory usage on long, complex simulations, and especially important for architecture-level simulations of MIMO, BER and fading.
Data Flow Information Table
- Added a Display Data Flow Information check box in the data flow analysis options tab.
- Checking this box will automatically create a table displaying the collected data flow information. Such information is useful for diagnostic and understanding data flow operations.
Dynamic Buses
- Enables changes in bus-width during a simulation in response to PHY modes and parameter settings; useful for LTE/WiMAX® MIMO applications.
Support for Multi-Channel VSA
- Use SystemVue with Agilent PXB, VSA, MXA, ESG/MXG to integrate difficult emerging 2x2 and 4x4 MIMO testing of both algorithms and hardware.
- Supports reading up to 4 signals concurrently from a VSA instrument.
- Supports sending up to 4 signals concurrently to a PXB N5106A instrument.
- Supports sending up to 4 signals concurrently to VSA 89600 Sink part.
New 'ReadFile' Part Capabilities
- Supports file formats compatible with Agilent Instruments for deeper connectivity to hardware verification.
- ReadN6030File - Read files for Agilent N6030A Signal Generator (Arbitrary Waveform Generator).
- ReadN5106AFile - Read files for Agilent N5106A Signal Generator (PXB MIMO Receiver Tester) that the Sink writes.
- ReadSignalStudioFile - Read Agilent Signal Studio waveform format file created by Sink or other Agilent software products such as ADS or Signal Studio software.
Note: Currently without SystemVue's LTE or WiMAX® license, no waveform files created by Signal Studio software can be read; with SystemVue's LTE or WiMAX license, the corresponding waveform file (i.e. LTE or WiMAX) created by Signal Studio software can be read. It can read all Agilent Signal Studio waveform format files created by Agilent EESof products including ADS.
Additional File Read and Write Capabilities
- Supports file formats compatible with Agilent Instruments for deeper connectivity to hardware verification.
- ReadBaseBandStudioFile - Read BaseBand Studio waveform formatted files created by WriteBaseBandStudioFile Part or by other Agilent software products such as ADS or Agilent BaseBand Studio software.
- WriteBaseBandStudioFile - Write simulation data into a Agilent Baseband Studio formatted file. Supports writing large files sizes (>> 1GB) for streaming signals to the Agilent ESG Arbitrary Waveform Generator using Agilent Baseband Studio.
C++ Modelbuilder Improved
Improvements result in faster simulations and less memory consumption.
- User-defined fixed-point models in ModelBuilder.
- Ports - single and multi-ports.
- Signal types - float, double, int, complex (float or double), anytype, fixed-point.
- Timed signals.
- Enumerated model parameter types.
- Ability to group and hide/unhide parameters in the UI.
- Easy re-use of model code within another model.
- Model versioning aligned with a SystemVue release version.
- Portable model code.
SystemVue 2007 APG Model Import
- Enables owners of previous-generation SystemVue platforms to access some of their models in the new platform.
- Video: Speeding up RF Modulated Carriers by 1000x
- Video: Importing SV2007 APG files into SV2009
New and Improved Models
Enable various Wireless and A/D applications.
- Gold Code: GoldCode supports common Gold codes; including codes specific for GPS applications.
- AtoD: AtoD supports frequency domain specification of jitter (by specifying phase noise).
- Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR): LFSR supports access to all internal register states.
- Demodulator: Demodulator supports I/Q gain and phase imbalance, I/Q origin offset, I/Q rotation.
New and Improved File I/O Operators
- Enables more convenient and efficient file I/O using MathLang. Many file I/O functions added with syntax similar to the MathWorks.
Random Number Generator Improved
- Ability to select whether the random seed is held constant or changed for each simulation. A constant seed results in reproducible results for each run of an unchanged simulation, important in algorithmic development.
DSP Filter Tool Improvements
- Added Blackman-Haris FIR Window filter type.
- Faster frequency response and group delay computation.
- Faster FIR response computation for large number of coefficients.
- Improved filter error trapping.
Improved MathLang Model UI
- Model symbol automatically conforms to the number and type of input and output ports defined.
New Comms Examples
- Zigbee comms examples for signal source and channel model: Signal source based on WPAN 802.15.4 that is simpler and less expensive than Bluetooth; the channel model is UWB 2-10GHz.
New HDL Hardware Implementation Examples
New fixed point examples demonstrating HDL model generation for modulators and other signal processing blocks.
- Provides new, reconfigurable IP for communications blocks that are Cycle-accurate and Target-neutral.
- DSP blocks: CIC Filter, Cordic.
- Modulators: BPSK, QPSK, M-ary PSK, M-ary QAM, M-ary FSK.
- Sources: NCOs ( NCO, DDS, Dual NCO).
- Coders: DPSK, DQPSK, Radian shifted n-PSK.
New Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE) Example
- DFE provides an adaptive decision feedback equalizer based on the LMS algorithm; useful for signal detection and for correcting signal distortions.