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- Search:PVTsim Nova 6.2 download PVTsim Nova 6.2 crack PVTsim Nova 6.2 training
Developed by PVT Specialists
PVTsim is developed by PVT specialists, but you do not need to be a specialist to make qualified use of PVTsim. Follow the recommended workflow and in a short time you will have the interface file you are after for a reservoir, flow or process simulator. PVTsim also offers PVT specialists the flexibility they require to lumping options, model selection and handling of complex phase equilibria, possibly including solid phases. Further down on this page we highlight key features in more detail.
Automated Input of PVT Data
PVTsim supports the PRODML 2.1 format by Energistics (energistics.org). PVT reports in PRODML 2.1 XML format are automatically imported into PVTsim. The data format covers:
- Bottom Hole Samples
- Separator Samples
- Oil Based Mud Compositions
- Classical Plus Fluid Compositions
- Extended Gas Chromatography to e.g. C36+
- Routine PVT and EOR Data
- Atmospheric Flash Test
- Saturation Point
- Separator Test
- Constant Mass Expansion
- Constant Volume Depletion
- Differential Depletion
- Swelling Test including CME and Viscosity Data
- Viscosity Data
Calsep’s Excel PVT Format is another option for automated input of PVT data. A PVT report in Calsep Excel PVT Format can be imported into PVTsim in one click. Four different templates are installed with PVTsim and support the above types of fluid compositions and PVT data. The templates support both metric, field and SI units