- Size:1DVD
- Language:english
- Platform:Win7/WIN10
- Freshtime:2024-06-06
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Smarter Pressure Vessel Software
COMPRESS is an expert system that produces professional level pressure vessel design reports with a single button click. It saves engineering hours while reducing errors and omissions. COMPRESS checks your inputs and makes design recommendations. This makes it the perfect solution for companies that want to bring their design work in-house. COMPRESS automates jobs that less capable solutions require you to do. Tasks such as compiling reports, determining MDMT chart assignments, calculating hillside nozzle intersections and liquid static head determinations are handled for you. Features like solid modeling, drawings, lift lugs, clips, cladding, and fatigue assessments come standard with COMPRESS.
3D Pressure Vessel Design + Drawings
Designing pressure vessels is only part of the job. To complete the whole job, COMPRESS supports cross-departmental workflows: