- Size:16MB
- Language:English
- Platform:/WinNT/2000/XP
- Freshtime:2008-02-17
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AllFusion Data Model Validator 7.2,用于在开发过程中验证数据库应用程序的完整性,以及将所做的更改轻松集成到现有数据库中。 不但能自动分析数据库方案,还能提供图形报表,帮助企业经济有效地保证数据库系统的持续完整性和性能。
AllFusion建模套件支持Oracle、DB2、Advantage Ingres Enterprise Relational Database、Microsoft SQL Server、Informix、ODBC 3.0和其他业界领先的数据库,并可与数十种第三方应用程序集成,例如Integrated Chipware公司的RTM Workshop、Meta Integration Technology公司的Meta Integration Model Bridge (MIMB)、Reischmann Informatik GmbH公司的TOOLBUS Interface for AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler、以及Jumar Solutions Europe公司的集成工具等。
::::::English Description::::::
Construct high-quality databases that are better able to withstand the impact of an ever-evolving marketplace. CA ERwin® Data Model Validator automates the task of validating the database schema against well-defined relational rules.
What is CA ERwin® Data Model Validator?
Its diagnostic and validation tools verify the structural integrity of your CA ERwin® Data Modeler data models or SQL/DDL code by applying relational technology rules. It helps you pinpoint design defects, recommends corrective actions and automatically generates scripts to implement selected corrections.
What database management challenges does it meet?
Integrating, structuring and validating data from diverse sources is a time-consuming and error-prone task. To help ensure business continuity and enable disaster recovery, the heart of your organization’s database—its schema—must be sound. This product significantly improves the consistency and quality of data across your enterprise.
What features does it offer?
It analyzes data structures, keys, indexes, field columns and relationships for violations of relational database design rules. It provides detailed diagnostic reports helping increase productivity by accelerating the review process.
What platforms does it support?
Windows and Oracle, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2 UDB, Sybase and ODBC databases