- Size:637MB
- Language:english
- Platform:Winxp/Win7
- Freshtime:2007-12-18
- Search:Innovmetric PolyWorks 10
The PolyWorks/Inspector variant differs by requiring that you load the scanned data of your physical part or the nominal MCAD model from which it’s manufactured. An initial best-fit alignment is performed to create a rough alignment. You then use a number of techniques to align it further: as a 321 alignment (where three common points are used to align the two sets), or using geometry references, such as circular features or planes.
Once the system has the two datasets aligned, you can see a comparison of points to MCAD data, which is color- mapped to show deviation and adapted to your tolerance requirements. Once you have the view in the state that you want, you then create a SnapShot. This captures the view, inspection details, how it’s displayed, etc. Each of these is then used in the Inspection report. Cross sections can be used to extract deviation and are particularly suited to applications where these technologies are used to replicate accepted and validated manual techniques, such as gauges, calipers, as well as pretty auto-motive-specific gap-and-flush concerns. The system will also create more textural information in tables to fully show the tolerances and deviations between the nominal and the manufactured component. This can be customized to show exactly the information you require.
Essentially, PolyWorks includes all of the tools you need to replicate your existing and fully certified inspection processes, but using a technology that allows you to capture a much larger, more descriptive understanding of your part’s quality than using traditional manual or CMM-based processes. Also, it’s ideal for automation — you scan each part you’re inspecting, run a macro that performs all of these processes, and generate your report. Hence, your inspection process becomes more compressed. What’s interesting is that in addition to providing print-based or digital files such as PDFs, you can also share the inspection datasets and use the freely distributable PolyWorks 3D Viewer application. It enables those who need to to access that full, rich inspection data alongside the more traditional report.