Siemens PLM TeamCenter 9.1


Siemens PLM TeamCenter 9.1 Design and Simulation Management Teamcenter provides cross-domain product design and simulation management through integrations with the MCAD, ECAD, software development, and simulation tools and processes your design teams use every day. By integrating your current multi-domain design tools with Teamcenter, you can transform otherwise disconnected tools and processes into a single product design and simulation management environment that enables you to lower costs, improve quality, and increase design productivity. Document and Content Management Teamcenter brings your document development and management processes into your PLM environment, synchronizing them with your product development processes and keeping documents and technical publications up-to-date with product changes. From an advanced Microsoft Office® interface, and a structured authoring and publishing environment for SGML/XML technical publishing, you can greatly reduce the effort to generate accurate, effective documents that can be tailored by market, language or product. Bill of Materials Management Teamcenter helps you effectively manage the bill of materials (BOM) as a critical part of your product lifecycle by providing clear, current and accurate product definitions and configurations, specific to the needs of teams and users. You can extend BOM management beyond design and development to include upfront configuration and planning as well as downstream manufacturing, service and support PLM Process Execution Teamcenter can help you manage and execute the many processes required to get the right products to market at the right time. You can effectively coordinate people and the information they need to make the right decisions and get their jobs done. From planning project timing and coordinating cross-functional programs to the actual execution of tasks – everyone throughout the product lifecycle has what they need to get their work done efficiently.


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