- Size:21MB
- Language:english
- Platform:Winxp/Win7
- Freshtime:2007-10-12
::::::English Description::::::
CONSPAN® is the industry-leading design, analysis and load rating application for simple- and multiple-span precast and prestressed bridge beams. Used by most DOT’s and leading consulting firms in the country, CONSPAN incorporates both AASHTO Standard (LFD) and LRFD specifications for bridge design. This dual code functionality has quickly made CONSPAN the most popular choice for LRFD transition. Dual code capabilities are also available for load rating. Perform load rating for new or existing bridges in either AASHTO Standard (LFD) or LRFR specifications. A user-friendly interface guides users step-by-step through the design, analysis and rating process which makes CONSPAN both a productive design and analysis tool as well as a learning tool for compliance with new code specifications. Powerful, efficient and accurate – CONSPAN is the proven leader in its class.
Key Features
- User-friendly interface simplifies design
CONSPAN has an intuitive user interface that works the way that you work. Following the practical progression of bridge girder design, CONSPAN enables users to work efficiently with accurate results. Simple 3D design representations are created based on the data entered and a powerful drawing editor allows computation of beam cross-section properties. Enter an unlimited number of spans and beams and employ multiple beam cross-sections in the same span. While created for AASHTO standards, defaults are easily modified as per specific state requirements. CONSPAN is a flexible solution offering numerous options and comprehensive user control over many program functions and parameters. “Copy to” wizards allow for transfer of dead loads, distribution factors, strands, stirrups, etc.
- Comprehensive beam and girder design capabilities
CONSPAN’s built-in library contains all standard AASHTO girders, bulb tees, box beams, double and single tee, rectangular beams and more. Users can add customized cross-sections to the program beam library for quick access. Distribution factors, impact/dynamic allowance factors and allowable stresses are among the parameters that are established during the design of individual beams.
- AASHTO Standard (LFD) and LRFR Load Rating
CONSPAN can perform load rating (inventory and operating modes) of prestressed concrete bridge beams according to the Manual for Condition Evaluation of Bridges (LFD) and according to the Load and Resistance Factor Rating (LRFR) manual. Users can use predefined trucks from the built-in library or include their own trucks for which rating is to be performed. Comprehensive results are available for Moment, Shear, Stresses and Cracked Section analysis.
- AASHTO BridgeWare Database Integration
CONSPAN can read and write information related to bridge geometry, materials and prestressing strand pattern to/from user specified bridges in AASSHTOWare’s Virtis/Opis systems.
- Automatic Strand Generation
Users may specify the strand and debonding/shielding patterns or CONSPAN can automatically generate them. Debonding constraints limiting the number of debonded strands can also be user-specified. Strand types include stress-relieved, low relaxation and transformed strand/rebar. Strand patterns may be straight, draped or a combination of both. Similar auto-generation capabilities also exist for shear reinforcement.
- Dead load, live load, and continuous static analysis.
Simple span static analysis is automatically performed for self-weights and dead loads resisted by the precast sections. Continuous static analysis is performed for dead loads acting upon the composite structure. Users may also define composite and non-composite dead loads, by inputting an unlimited number of line, area, point and diaphragm load tests. Finally, a continuous moving load analysis is performed for the live load. CONSPAN maintains predefined LFD and LRFD design live loads and also allows for user-defined live load specification. Customizable limit state and load factors and modifiers are also enabled.
- Refined Methods of Analysis.
Although CONSPAN uses the code specified default distribution factors, it features a powerful grillage-based option for computing more refined distribution factors for many geometry configurations. Users may optionally choose to input customized distribution factors.
- Complete range of engineering design functions. Service load stresses, are checked against allowable limits. Factored positive moments and shears are checked against the ultimate strength capacity of the effective section. Mild reinforcement in the deck (at the piers) is computed for factored negative and positive moments, and optionally positive restraining moment steel can be computed. Many other code criteria, such as cracking moment, horizontal shear, and anchorage zone reinforcement are also automatically calculated.
- User-friendly report generation and export.
CONSPAN presents analysis results in a variety of easy-to-view formats, from a one-page design summary to comprehensive project reports including moment and shear diagrams, stress graphs, beam patterns, and more. Analysis results and graphical sketches can be exported to spreadsheets and DXF formats, or simply copied and pasted into other word processing software.