BENTLEY MicroStation Web-Drop


tation Web-Drop® has been released as a Select Enhancement and is available to download free of charge by any Select subscriber. MicroStation Web-Drop provides MicroStation users with the ability to harness the wealth of industry information which is available on the web via the use of the Autodesk i-drop® technology. The available sources of information are extensive, consisting mostly of DWG drawing files in both 2D and 3D format. The i-drop technology was developed by Autodesk to provide solutions for the publishing and acquisition of design content through standard web pages. Users may drag graphical content from a browser to an i-drop aware desktop application. The MicroStation Web-Drop application supports these capabilities in MicroStation V8 2004 Edition. The Web-Drop application also extends the data formats that may be used to include MicroStation design files and cell libraries as well as AutoCAD DWG and DXF blocks. Web-Drop components need to be installed in both MicroStation and your web browser. The MicroStation components enable drag and drop capabilities in MicroStation. The web browser components, which must be installed separately, allow the browser to display a special cursor when it recognizes published content that may be dragged from your web browser into your design session. Features * Drag and drop published MicroStation cells and AutoCAD blocks from i-drop enabled web sites into a MicroStation design session * Supports MicroStation DGN, CEL and AutoCAD DWG, DXF formats * Compatible with Autodesk i-drop formats * Optionally add dropped content to the active cell library * Full access to MicroStation DWG Open Options for control of AutoCAD file conversion * Optionally remap levels and symbology in cells (colors, styles, weights) for conformance with internal standards.
