E-ON LUMENRT Version 1.0
date: Oct 27th, 2011
type: 3D Animation
size: DVD 28x50mb
LumenRT is e-on software's revolutionary new product for the visualization
of architectural projects in real-time 3D with accurately simulated lighting.
Thanks to LumenRT, architects no longer have to choose between high-quality images
and real-time visualization: They can walk or fly through their designs and
experience the true quality of light in fully immersive 3D!
LumenRT real-time environments are packaged into convenient, self-contained
executables that can be run on any computer without requiring additional software.
DVD: Windows and MACOSX installation files
Unpack, burn & install.
Check Crack/install.txt on DVD
Should we add that this is of course keygened ?
and on top you get a native windows and osx keygen.