• COAA ShipPlotter

    COAA ShipPlotter Features of COAA ShipPlotter In Signal Mode, ShipPlotter displays the raw digital signals on your PC screen in a diagnostic display which helps you to set up the system. In Message Mode, ShipPlotter displays each decoded message in plain language on your PC screen.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2022-12-21 Size: 1CD
  • Siemens Simatic WinCC Panel Images V18

    Siemens Simatic WinCC Panel Images V18 Siemens Industry Automation Division introduced the Simatic WinCC Panel Images V18. Operator Panel images contain the operating system for thr Operator Panels. The image version installed on the Operator Panel must always be compatible with the WinCC (TIA Po.....
    Language : Multi Language Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2022-12-21 Size: 1DVD
  • LimitState SLAB

    LimitState SLAB LimitState:SLAB is the only commercially available slab analysis software to systematically automate the well-known yield-line method, allowing the ultimate load capacity and critical failure mechanism to be calculated in seconds. Reveal Hidden Strength In RC Slabs Th.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2022-12-21 Size: 1CD
  • PLEXOS v9

    PLEXOS v9 PLEXOS is an integrated energy market simulation software published by Energy Exemplar. The energy market is a dynamic and lively market, and there are various data and information models in this large market. Watching the daily market developments and huge amounts of data can confuse you .....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2022-12-09 Size: 1CD
  • Weise Fluchtplan 2022

    Weise Fluchtplan 2022 Mit der Software Fluchtplan kцnnen Architekten und Ingenieure, Brandschutz- und Sicherheitsbeauftragte, Arbeitssicherheitsfachkrдfte, Gutachter oder Facility Manager Flucht- und Rettungsplдne gemдЯ DIN ISO 23601 und DGUV 9 mehrsprachig erstellen. Darьber hinaus lassen .....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2022-12-06 Size: 1CD

    ALTERYX.DESIGNER.2022 The leading solution for data preparation, merging, and analysis with drag-and-drop capabilities that accelerate every step of the analysis process. Automate any analysis results. Automate every step of analysis, including data preparation, data merging, reporting, predic.....
    Language : Multi Language Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2022-12-06 Size: 1CD
  • GOM Inspect Pro 2022

    GOM Inspect Pro 2022 GOM Inspect Pro Industry standard for 3D inspections and evaluations Raise inspection to the next level GOM Inspect Pro is your software for detailed evaluations of 3D data. Use GOM Inspect Pro for simple or complex inspection tasks - from capturing the part to be inspected, .....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2022-11-19 Size: 1DVD
  • CADValley.infraWizard.v22

    CADValley.infraWizard.v22 software function 1. Have fun with other apps For maximum flexibility, infraWizard provides interoperability with other applications used in utility network design. This means that you can exchange data in a variety of formats, including GIS shapefile and native text file.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2022-11-19 Size: 1CD
  • Mecway FEA v17.0

    Mecway FEA v17.0 Mecway is a comprehensive user friendly finite element analysis package for Windows with a focus on mechanical and thermal simulation such as stress analysis, vibration and heat flow. It is inexpensive and has an intuitive graphical interface for easy mesh creation and display of.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2022-11-04 Size: 1CD
  • Flow Software Ultimate v6.0.7056.940

    Flow Software Ultimate v6.0.7056.940 Collecting data is simple; turning it into actionable information is not! Data management, collation, and contextualization is the biggest problem facing industry today. But imagine what you could do if you had a scalable platform built specifically for IT te.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2022-11-04 Size: 1CD
  • Exakom Pluto Live Report v3.65

    Exakom Pluto Live Report v3.65 Pluto Live report is a simple and totally configurable monitoring and reporting software product, providing all capabilities to connect and collect data from smart buildings, plants, machines, devices and IIoT servers. I combines fantastic performances and amazing g.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2022-10-29 Size: 1DVD
  • Luxion KeyShot Pro

    Luxion KeyShot Pro KeyShot Pro is everything you need to create amazing visuals fast. The real-time 3D rendering workflow displays results instantly and reduces the time it takes to create realistic product shots. From scientifically accurate material and environment presets to advanced m.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2022-10-28 Size: 2DVD
  • Rhinoceros 7.23

    Rhinoceros 7.23 Rhinoceros 3D 7 Overview Rhinoceros, also known as Rhino, has become a standard 3D modeling tool for designers and architects. You can start with a sketch, drawing, physical model, scan data, or only an idea—Rhino provides the tools to accurately model and document your design.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2022-10-24 Size: 1CD
  • F.I.R.S.T. Conval v11.3

    F.I.R.S.T. Conval v11.3 CONVAL integrates extensive calculation functionalities for components and processes in industrial systems, based on tried-and-tested methods, such as DIN, VDI, VDMA EN/ISO and ISA. By strictly avoiding all forms of dependence on equipment manufacturers, CONVAL guarantees.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2022-10-10 Size: 1CD
  • MathWorks Matlab R2022B

    MathWorks Matlab R2022B Professionally Built MATLAB toolboxes are professionally developed, rigorously tested, and fully documented. With Interactive Apps MATLAB apps let you see how different algorithms work with your data. Iterate until you’ve got the results you want, then automatically g.....
    Language : Multi Language Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2022-09-16 Size: 3DVD
  • 3Dflow 3DF Zephyr v6.509

    3Dflow 3DF Zephyr v6.509 3DF Zephyr allows you to reconstruct 3D models from photos automatically. The process is entirely automatic, and no coded targets, manual editing or special equipment are needed. 3DF Zephyr is built on top of our proprietary, cutting-edge, reconstruction technology. 3DF .....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2022-09-12 Size: 1CD
  • Lindo What'sBest v18.0.1.1

    Lindo What'sBest! v18.0.1.1 What'sBest! is an add-in to Excel that allows you to build large scale optimization models in a free form layout within a spreadsheet. What'sBest! combines the proven power of Linear, Nonlinear (convex and nonconvex/Global), Quadratic, Quadratically Constrained, Secon.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2022-09-12 Size: 1DVD
  • Creative Edge Software iC3D Suite v8.0.5

    Creative Edge Software iC3D Suite v8.0.5 iC3D is the first real-time all-in-one package design software that lets you generate live 3D digital mockups on-the-fly. Encompassing all design applications and model types, it allows cartons, labels, flexibles, bottles, shrink wraps, POS/POP and in-stor.....
    Language : Multi Language Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2022-09-04 Size: 1CD
  • Engissol_Cross_Section_Analysis_And_Design_5.6.1

    Engissol_Cross_Section_Analysis_And_Design_5.6.1 Cross Section Analysis & Design (top rated structural software in America, Europe, Asia and Australia) is a powerful application that can perform a wide range of cross section calculations, including the design of reinforced concrete sections (rebar c.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2022-08-28 Size: 1CD
  • ENGISSOL_2D_Frame_Analysis_Dynamic_Edition_7.2.3

    ENGISSOL_2D_Frame_Analysis_Dynamic_Edition_7.2.3 Software tool for structural analysis of frames, beams and trusses under static, dynamic, linear and non-linear loads. It includes all features of the Static Edition and the Truss Edition of 2D Frame Analysis software suite plus the ability to handle .....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2022-08-28 Size: 1CD
  • IBM SPSS Statistics 27.0.1 IF026

    IBM SPSS Statistics 27.0.1 IF026 BM has released an interim fixes IF026 to SPSS Statistics 27.0.1 is the world's leading statistical software used to solve business and research problems by means of ad-hoc analysis, hypothesis testing, and predictive analytics. Interim Fix- a fix that contains o.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2022-08-25 Size: 1CD
  • Rhinoceros 7.21.22208.13001

    Rhinoceros 7.21.22208.13001 Rhino 7 is the most significant upgrade in our history. You can create organic shapes with our new SubD tools. Run Rhino and Grasshopper as a Revit Add-On with Rhino.Inside.Revit. Use the robust QuadRemesh algorithm to create a beautiful quad mesh from NURBS geometry.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2022-08-11 Size: 1CD
  • Enscape 3.4.0 Build 84039

    Enscape 3.4.0 Build 84039 Real-time Walk-through With Enscape’s real-time technology, your project is visualized as a fully rendered 3D walkthrough which can be navigated and explored from every angle, during any time of day. With the live link between Enscape and your CAD program, you can fo.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2022-08-06 Size: 1CD
  • NCH DreamPlan Plus 7.50

    NCH DreamPlan Plus 7.50 DreamPlan Home Design Software is a user-friendly application whose main function is to provide you with the proper means of creating a 3D plan of your future home, in just a few steps. The program is very easy to work with, featuring several tabs corresponding to the oper.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2022-07-31 Size: 1CD
  • Rhinoceros 7 SR21 (7.21.22187.13001)

    Rhinoceros 7 SR21 (7.21.22187.13001) Are you looking for the perfect 3D modeling toolfor your 3D printing project? Rhinoceros 3D, also known as "Rhino", or "Rhino 3D", is computer-aided design software. Rhino CAD is used primarily in architectural trades, industrial design, and jewelry design. From .....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2022-07-15 Size: 1CD