Ansys HFSS v13.0.2 install

  • Freshtime:2011-05-18 08:19:00
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ActivationOXGEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
1. Disconnect from the Internet.OXGEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
OXGEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
2. Install the software. During the installation when the program will ask to specify a licence file, select file licence.licOXGEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
Note: on the sentence to install USB- and COM-keys drivers it is necessary to refuse (disable both flags).OXGEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
OXGEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
3. Install update (..UpdateHFSS1302WinPatch.exe).OXGEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
OXGEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
4. Copy files Ansoftfix.exe and Patch.exe into a folder with the installed program (by default C:Program FilesAnsoftHFSS13.0 ), then run them (Ansoftfix.exe first).OXGEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
Note: at the first start of the program there may be an inquiry of the network firewall (if that is installed in system). It is necessary to allow network activity to all HFSS components.OXGEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
OXGEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
5. In menu Tools -> Options -> General Options... on a tab "WebUpdate Options" expose parameter "Automatically check for updates every:" in "Never"OXGEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
In addition you can delete a file WebUpdate.exe in a folder with the installed program (by default C:Program FilesAnsoftHFSS13.0WebUpdate.exe)OXGEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
OXGEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
6. Further working with the connected Internet should not cause difficulties.
OXGEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
