CST Studio Suite v2014 SP5 INSTALL README

  • Freshtime:2014-11-07 15:02:41
  • Tag:

1. Load the iso file, click the setup, and according to the steps to install
2. Run the CST License Manager, and then click Stop Service, close the CST License Manager
3. Use notepad to open license. Dat, changes the IP address of the first line to your computer name (your computer name: computer - attributes)
4. The modified license. Dat in the installation directory CST STUDIO SUITE 2014 root directory
5. The CSTpatcher. Exe in the installation directory CST STUDIO SUITE 2014 root directory and run in the position
6. Run the CST License Manager click the Start Service, close the CST License Manager.
7. Run CST, select the point to an existing CST license server system.
8. Will play in your computer name8iQEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
