Pipeline studio Installation Guidelines

- Go to the <Pipeline Studio V3.0> sub-directory and run the setup.exe file to install Pipeline Studio V3.0. Once installed, do not run it from the menu bar or from any other shortcut.i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
2. Go to the < Pipeline Studio V3.0networklicensingServerSetup> sub-directory and run the setup.exe file. When you install it, do not remove the check flag that will allow it to add thei1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
Sentinel Server to your exceptions list in the Windows Firewall i.e. allow it to select to unblock the firewall.i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
3. Copy the license file lservc.txt in sub-directory <Pipeline Studio V3.0 License File> and paste into sub-directory <C:Program FilesCommon FilesSafeNet SentinelSentinel LM ServerWinNT>.i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
4. Cut the file lservnt in subdirectory C:Program FilesCommon FilesSafeNet SentinelSentinel LM ServerWinNT if it is there and paste it somewhere else. Then delete it permanently. Thisi1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
file will not delete in its original location (WinNT sub-directory) and when you try to paste another file with the same name onto it, it will not allow you to overwite it. Hence simply cuti1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
it, relocate it and then delete it. Using a program such as Unlocker to remove/delete the active handles on this file does not work, so do not bother trying it.i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
5. Copy all the files in sub-directory <Pipeline Studio V3.0 & V3.2.0.6Pipeline StudioV3.0networklicensingServerWinNT> as detailed below:i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
Copy these 5 files.i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
6. Paste the five files into sub-directory <C:Program FilesCommon FilesSafeNet SentinelSentinel LM ServerWinNT>. Where it asks to overwite files, accept overwriting ofi1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
the files.i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
7. Do not go to <Control PanelAdministrative ToolsServicesSentinel LM> to start the Sentinel LM server. It should already be started. Also do not run Pipeline Studio V3.0 from the menui1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
bar or from any other shortcut.i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual

8. Run the Sentinel bitlock driver file called Sentinel System Driver Installer 7.5.0 by runningi1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
the aforementioned installer file at the following location: <Pipeline Studio V3.0 & V3.2.0.6Pipeline Studio V3.2.0.6networklicensingDriver>i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
Accept the license agreement and choose the complete install option. It will ask to unistall the Sentinel bitlock driver that you installed for Pipeline Studio V3.0. Accept the uninstall of thei1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
previous version.i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
9. Go to Start Button (windows XP)------------------->Programs--------------->Accesories--------------------->System Symbol and type Ipconfigi1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
10. Note IP Adress (example Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
11. Go to Start Button (windows XP)------------------->Control Panel------------------>System----------------->Advanced Options--------->Enviroment Variablesi1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
12. Push New..i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
Variable Name: LSHOSTi1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
Valor de Variable: (see step 10)i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
Acepti1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
13.Go to sub-directory <Pipeline Studio V3.0 & V3.2.0.6Pipeline Studio V3.2.0.6networklicensingAdmin.netWin32 and run filei1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
WlmAdmin.exei1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
14. In the window that opens, go to the left hand view pane and select your server name by left clicking with your mouse on the Subnet Servers. Go down the branch and highlight the serveri1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
(see Snapshot 1 overleaf).i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
15. Right click on it and select the sequential menu option “Add Feature | From A File | To Server and its File” (see Snapshot 1 overleaf).i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
16. Use the Open file dialog to select the licence file lservrc which you installed on C:Program FilesCommon FilesSafeNet SentinelSentinel LM ServerWinNT (Step 5 and see Snapshot 2i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
overleaf). Select Open the file and it will successfully read in the licenses.i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
17. Close the WlmAdmin utility. You can use the WlmAdmin utility at any time to view thei1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
status of the available licenses. i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual

18. Go to the Windows Start menu and run Pipeline Studio as detailed below:i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
When you run it if you do not reboot your computer, it will come up with a screen a number of times stating that it is trying to connect to a file. Simply accept OK and let it doi1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
this a couple of times. It will eventually open the program. If you close the program and then restart it from the Start Menu Bar, it will open straight away without any problems. Iti1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
is presumed that if you reboot your computer before trying to run it for the first time, you will not get the messages that it is trying to connect to a file.i1jEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual

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