This directory contains software (mainly for IBM compatibles), fonts (for X Window systems and Linux), documentation in the form of preformatted manpages for the software as well as a description of the Mongolian transliteration underlying the MLS (Mongolian Language Support) system. Software for su.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2006-10-07 Size: 2MB
Analysis of Multiple Spectra in Tied Mode:NEW! 1D Peak Integration and 2D Peak Volume Computation with NOE distance calibration. NEW! Imports predicted spectra for comparison and assignment of experimental data. NEW! Enhanced Peak Annotation capabilities. Enables overlay (with or without chemical sh.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-10-06 Size: 32MB
,With Discovery Studio®, you can easily access everything you need for lead discovery and optimization in a single, Linux- or Windows-based research environment. Discovery Studio also helps you work within and across teams to share protocols and data from diverse applications. Because Discovery .....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-10-05 Size: 762MB
The visual framework to Discovery Studio is Discovery Studio Visualizer Pro, a program that provides functionality for visualizing, analyzing and sharing biological and chemical data, while also serving as the single, easy-to-use interface to software within the Discovery Studio environment. Users w.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2006-10-05 Size: 3.76G
h Discovery Studio®, you can easily access everything you need for lead discovery and optimization in a single, Linux- or Windows-based research environment. Discovery Studio also helps you work within and across teams to share protocols and data from diverse applications. Because Discovery Stu.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-10-05 Size: 802MB
The chemistry of molecular interactions is a matter of shape and electrostatics, but it is impossible to consider either without reasonable 3D molecular structures. SZYBKI optimizes molecular structures with the Merck Molecular Force Field, either with or without solvent effect, to yield quality .....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-09-26 Size: 2MB
Telelogic TAU TTCN Suite 4.4 is actually a standard environment for communication system compliance testing. It has been widely adopted globally, testing telecommunications and data communication equipment ranging from built-in communication chips to large-scale switches and intelligent network serv.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-09-25 Size: 65MB
InforMax is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Invitrogen, headquartered in Frederick, Maryland. InforMax is a leading provider of multi-purpose software packages in the field of bioinformatics, specializing in data storage, analysis, and display. Its software interface is friendly, intuitive, and afforda.....
Language : english Authorization: Business Freshtime:2006-09-22 Size: 32MB
Kintecus 是一款建模软件,可以模拟化学动力学、燃烧反应的平衡、原子能、催化剂反应和酶反应等等。Prime new features :1) A new feature in Kintecus V3.9 is the ability to perform complex hierarchical cluster analysis ontemporal concentration profiles of the network with/without experimentally obtained te.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-09-20 Size: 9MB
::::::English Description::::::Nexa gets name change, with CitectFacilities V6.0 released in late September 2006The product formerly known as Nexa is reverting to its previous brand name of “CitectFacilities” for the V6.0 release...
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-09-13 Size: 229MB
Fiber Optical Grating Simulator Bragg Grating (FOGS BG) is a fiber optic equipment simulation and optimization software based on the Bragg grating principle...
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2006-09-06 Size: 9MB