- Size:168MB
- Language:english
- Platform:Winxp/Win7
- Freshtime:2006-12-12
The software enables the surgeon or the radiologist to control and correct the segmentation of CT-scans and MRI-scans. For instance, image artifacts coming from metal implants can easily be removed. The object(s) to be visualized and/or produced can be defined exactly by medical staff. No technical knowledge is needed for creating on screen 3D visualizations of medical objects (a crane, pelvis, etc.)
MIMICS is a general purpose segmentation program for gray value images. It can process any number of 2D image slices (rectangular images are allowed). The only restriction is the physical memory of your computer.
Mimics imports CT or MRI data in a wide variety of formats, as well as offering a user-defined import tool. The import software provides direct access to images written on proprietary optical disks and tapes, converts them into the Materialise image format, and preserves all necessary information for further processing.
Mimics displays the CT or MRI image data in several ways, each providing unique information. Mimics divides the screen into three views: the original axialview of the image and re-sliced data making up the coronal and sagittal views. Mimics includes several visualization functions like contrast enhancement, panning, zooming and rotating of calculated 3D images.
3D Rendering and 3D information
Mimics provides a flexible interface for quickly calculating a 3D model of the region of interest. Therefore you can set parameters for resolution and filtering. Information about height, width, volume, surface, etc. is available for every 3D model. Mimics can display the 3D model in any of the windows with visualization functions that include real-time rotation, pan and zoom and the ability to apply transparency and/or depth shading
Point to point: With Mimics, you can perform point-to-point measurements on both the 20 slices and the 3D reconstructions.
Profile line and gray value measurement: A profile line displays an intensity profile of the gray values along a user-defined line. You can make accurate measurements based on the gray values using three methods: the threshold method, the four-point method and the four-interval method. These methods are ideal for technical CT-users.
Project Management
The Project Management dialog provides an ideal way to organize and interact with the data segmentation masks, 3D renderings, polylines, objects; measures and STL) and their properties
In Mimics, segmentation masks are used to highlight regions of interest. Mimics enables you to define and process images with up to 16 coloured segmentation masks