- Size:1DVD
- Language:english
- Platform:Win7/WIN10
- Freshtime:2022-08-19
- Search:Phoenix winnonlin 8.3.4 crack Phoenix winnonlin 8.3.4 tutorial Phoenix winnonlin
Phoenix winnonlin 8.3.4
PK/PD and non-compartmental analyses can be time consuming, requiring detailed attention to every step from data preparation to report generation. Phoenix WinNonlin™’s integrated tools for data processing, graphing & charting, report generation, and compliance create an efficient, all-in-one collaboration workbench.
Phoenix WinNonlin is used by over 10,000 scientists at more than 1,500 establishments in 60 countries. It is the industry standard for non-compartmental analysis (NCA), pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD), and toxicokinetic (TK) modeling with a proven 30-year history.
Regulatory agencies, including the US FDA, Japan Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Agency (PMDA), China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA), and the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), all use Phoenix WinNonlin to evaluate drug submissions.
Accomplish more with the latest release of the Phoenix platform with:
- Open-source plotting (RShiny ggquickEDA)
- Built-in plot and Reporter upgrades
- Phoenix NLME: Additional Visual Predictive Check features
- Phoenix NLME: Phoenix Modeling Language updates (Distributed delay function)