::::::English Description:::::: VIDA is a graphical interface designed from the ground-up to visualize, manage and manipulate large sets of molecular information. It supports all standard visualization paradigms, including 2D depiction, both hardware and software stereo, surface selection and manipu.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-06-07 Size: 28MB
Medicor Imaging is the leading provider of dental PACS systems worldwide. MiPACS Dental Enterprise PACS is the only system needed to acquire, store, and view digital dental images.
Built in accordance with the DICOM 3.0 standard, MiPACS offers a scalable, device-independent, and affordable solution.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-04-12 Size: 402MB
Discovery Studio is a life science modeling and simulation suite of applications focused on optimizing the drug discovery process. Discovery Studio makes it easier to examine the properties of large and small molecules, study systems, identify leads and optimize candidates. Because it is built on .....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-04-01 Size: 0KB
[img]http://www.dnastar.com/media/prod/SeqB_circ_seq_thumb.jpeg[/img]DNASTAR Lasergene software consists of an integrated suite of seven modules that can be purchased in any combination. The modules of Lasergene are:» SeqBuilder - visualization and sequence editing Video» SeqMan Pro - s.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-02-13 Size: 38MB
Cell Illustrator 4.0 is a software tool that enables biologists to draw, model, elucidate and simulate complex biological processes and systems. It has outstanding drawing capabilities, moreover it allows researchers to model metabolic pathways, signal transduction cascades, gene regulatory pathway.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-02-08 Size: 92MB
FieldAlign gives you a detailed understanding of the observed activity, ADME and physicochemical properties of your molecules, and provides you with knowledge you can use to fine-tune specific properties into your leads.
FieldAlign is a powerful design and 3D Structure Activity Relationship (SAR) t.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-02-08 Size: 65MB
RANGES software allows easy analysis of locations, whether animals, humans or plants. If you need to determine animal home ranges, analyse dispersal, decide which habitat is most often used or how animals arrange themselves socially, RANGES is an invaluable tool. ..
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-01-26 Size: 1.5MB
New Fujitsu CAChe Group Adds Product Engineers, Plans Major Enhancements; Oxford Molecular to Collaborate with Fujitsu on Transition and Product Development
London (March 21, 2000) - Fujitsu Limited (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 6702) and Oxford Molecular Group (London Stock Exchange: OMG) today announced.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-01-14 Size: 302MB
(PATCMASTER focus document)
This document is intended for those users familiar with the PULSE acquisition software. We will quickly summarize the most relevant differences between PULSE and PATCHMASTER.
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-01-03 Size: 2.1MB
PULSESIM is a program for modeling and simulation of PULSE data based on kinetic schemes or discrete Markov models. Experimental data of ion channel function is acquired with the program PULSE and is basically analyzed with the program PULSEFIT. PULSESIM is an additional program for both, data acqui.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-01-02 Size: 1.9MB
http://www.heka.com/chem/software/potmaster.html Scan generator, data acquisition, and online analysis. -Full control of the PG 310/340/390 -Remote control of the EVA 8 by use of the LIH 1600 or ITC-18 acquisition interface -Remote control of the PG 410/490 an.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-12-28 Size: 3.3MB
http://www.heka.com/physio/Acquisition/patchmaster.html Multi channel stimulation/acquisition software supporting up to 16 output and 16 input channels,with Software Lock-In Amplifier, Photometry support and extended Online Analysis. ..
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-12-28 Size: 2.2MB
::::::English Description::::::
Materialises Interactive Medical Image Control System (MIMICS) is an interactive tool for the visualization and segmentation of CT images as well as MRI images and 3D rendering of objects. Therefore, in the medical field MIMICS can be used for diagnostic, operation pl.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-12-12 Size: 168MB
。For everyone who works with STL files, Magics is the ideal and complete software solution. Magics sets the standard for ease of use and efficiency when working with faceted data. It offers advanced and highly automated tools for STL manipulation. You can correct an STL file in a matter of.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-12-02 Size: 202MB
Innovative DICOM software for medical imaging Professionals
We develop free and commercial DICOM software for radiologists, radiological technologists, RIS and PACS maintainers, DICOM Specialists and any other medical imaging Professional. Our software is designed and implemented with the most adva.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-11-22 Size: 7.4MB
High quality visualizer and annotator for three dimensional molecular structures, annotated sequences and alignments, chemical spreadsheets and biological data. Allows to read data from multiple file formats, annotate the data, and write multi-slide document containing to a single small cross-plat.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-11-07 Size: 43MB
High quality visualizer and annotator for three dimensional molecular structures, annotated sequences and alignments, chemical spreadsheets and biological data. Allows to read data from multiple file formats, annotate the data, and write multi-slide document containing to a single small cross-platf.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-11-07 Size: 41MB
ICM-Pro empowers a biologist or chemist with lightning fast access and high quality interactive 3D views to the entire sturctural database. In just a few seconds you can browse hundreds of structures of interest load them, analyze and visualize sequences, structures, alignments, sites, study pockets.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-11-07 Size: 68MB
High quality visualizer and annotator for three dimensional molecular structures, annotated sequences and alignments, chemical spreadsheets and biological data. Allows to read data from multiple file formats, annotate the data, and write multi-slide document containing to a single small cross-platf.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-10-29 Size: 32MB
http://www.molsoft.com/images/chem1.png[/img]ICM provides an environment under which many chemical structure analysis functions can be undertaken. These functions are critical for enhancing any drug discovery project. They include: Draw and convert compounds to 3D Auto assign chirality Read large co.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-10-29 Size: 53MB
ICM-Pro empowers a biologist or chemist with lightning fast access and high quality interactive 3D views to the entire sturctural database. In just a few seconds you can browse hundreds of structures of interest load them, analyze and visualize sequences, structures, alignments, sites, study pockets.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2006-10-12 Size: 65MB
ICM-Pro empowers a biologist or chemist with lightning fast access and high quality interactive 3D views to the entire sturctural database. In just a few seconds you can browse hundreds of structures of interest load them, analyze and visualize sequences, structures, alignments, sites, study pockets.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2006-10-12 Size: 63MB