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- Platform:Win7/WIN10
- Freshtime:2024-05-11
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Tower Numerics tnxTower 8.2.4
TnxTower cracked version is a universal modeling, analysis, and design program designed specifically for communication towers using RS-222, RS-222-A, RS-222-B, EIA-222-C, EIA-222-D, EIA - to create 222-E, TIA/EIA-222-F, TIA-222-G, and TIA-222-H standards, as well as the Canadian CSA-S37-01 standard. Provides numerous advanced features, such as quick model creation tools, 3D frame truss models, and automatic wind and ice load generation functions, allowing for automatic creation of graphical demonstrations, including tower geometry, attachments, internal forces, stress, and displacement graphics display! And with a wide range of graphics, designers specify the geometric shape and load on the tower through a series of easy-to-use spreadsheets. Units can be American customs or SI metric. In addition, the type (lb or kips) and precision (the number of significant digits to be displayed) of a single unit can be specified. The US length unit can also be displayed in architectural (12 '-6 5/8 ") style. The program generates a large number of reports in Microsoft Rich Text Format (RTF). The reports can be viewed directly in Microsoft Word or with the optional Microsoft Word viewer
TnxTower cracked version is a universal modeling, analysis, and design program designed specifically for communication towers using RS-222, RS-222-A, RS-222-B, EIA-222-C, EIA-222-D, EIA - to create 222-E, TIA/EIA-222-F, TIA-222-G, and TIA-222-H standards, as well as the Canadian CSA-S37-01 standard. Provides numerous advanced features, such as quick model creation tools, 3D frame truss models, and automatic wind and ice load generation functions, allowing for automatic creation of graphical demonstrations, including tower geometry, attachments, internal forces, stress, and displacement graphics display! And with a wide range of graphics, designers specify the geometric shape and load on the tower through a series of easy-to-use spreadsheets. Units can be American customs or SI metric. In addition, the type (lb or kips) and precision (the number of significant digits to be displayed) of a single unit can be specified. The US length unit can also be displayed in architectural (12 '-6 5/8 ") style. The program generates a large number of reports in Microsoft Rich Text Format (RTF). The reports can be viewed directly in Microsoft Word or with the optional Microsoft Word viewer