tnxTower 8.3.0


tnxTower 8.3.0

tnxTower Overview

Complete Standards Support

The program analyzes towers using the ANSI/TIA-222-I Standard or any of the previous TIA/EIA Standards back to RS-222 (1959). Steel design is checked using the TIA/EIA Standards, AISC ASD 9th Edition or the AISC LRFD Specifications, as applicable. The Canadian Standard CSA S37-01 is available as well.

Powerful Analysis & Design

tnxTower's rapid model creation tools, 3-D frame-truss models and automatic wind force and ice loading generation capabilities are just a few of the features that make this industry-standard software the premier choice for all types of communication towers.

Top-notch Graphical Presentation

Graphical display of tower geometry, appurtenances, internal forces, stresses and displacements are created automatically.

Extensive graphics plots include material take-off, shear-moment, leg compression, displacement, twist, feed line, guy anchor and stress plots. tnxTower contains unique features such as True Cable behavior, hog rod take-up, foundation stiffness and much more.
