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完全 3D 模式之房屋结构分析及程式设计,高层建筑结构分析及设计程式

ETABS Nonlinear 9.6扩充 Plus 版本之功能包括了非线性分析:
 - 静力非线性分析
- 考虑大位移量之分析
- 连续性载重之分析
- 塑性铰构材
- 静力增量分析(Pushover) – FEMA 356
- 动力非线性分析
- Gap(仅受压构材)/Hook(仅受拉构材)
- 弹塑性构材(Plasticity)
- 具塑性行為之隔震(Base Isolator)
- 具摩擦/摆动行為之隔震


国际领先的建筑结构分析与设计软件,ETABS除一般高层结构计算功能外,还可计算钢结构、钩、顶、弹簧、结构阻尼运动、斜板、变截面梁或腋梁等特殊构件和结构非线性计算(Pushover, Buckling,施工顺序加载等),甚至可以计算结构基础隔震问题,功能非常强大。



::::::English Description::::::

For nearly 30 years, ETABS has been recognized as the industry standard for Building Analysis and Design Software. Today, continuing in the same tradition, ETABS has evolved into a completely Integrated Building Analysis and Design Environment. The System built around a physical object based graphical user interface, powered by targeted new special purpose algorithms for analysis and design, with interfaces for drafting and manufacturing, is redefining standards of integration, productivity and technical innovation.

The integrated model can include Moment Resisting Frames, Braced Frames, Staggered Truss Systems, Frames with Reduced Beam Sections or Side Plates, Rigid and Flexible Floors, Sloped Roofs, Ramps and Parking Structures, Mezzanine Floors, Multiple Tower Buildings and Stepped Diaphragm Systems with Complex Concrete, Composite or Steel Joist Floor Framing Systems. Solutions to complex problems such as Panel Zone Deformations, Diaphragm Shear Stresses, and Construction Sequence Loading are now at your fingertips.

ETABS is the solution, whether you are designing a simple 2D frame or performing a dynamic analysis of a complex high-rise that utilizes non-linear dampers for inter-story drift control.
