PVsyst Professional 7.1.8
VSyst Package is the complete software for studying, size, simulation and analysis of PV system. This software is designed for use by architects, engineers and researchers and is a very useful educational tool. The program has a detailed contextual help menu that explain.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2021-04-07 Size: 1CD
Valentin PVSOL premium 2021R3
The design and simulation software for photovoltaic systems
PV*SOL premium is a dynamic simulation program with 3D visualization and detailed shading analysis for the calculation of photovoltaic systems in combination with appliances, battery systems and electric veh.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2021-03-16 Size: 1CD
DNASTAR Lasergene 17.1.1
Lasergene Molecular Biology
Lasergene Molecular Biology is our remarkable sequence analysis software, relied on by legions of scientists around the world. Supported workflows include performing multiple and pairwise sequence alignments, phylogenetic analysis, assembling c.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2021-02-10 Size: 1CD
Materialise Magics RP 24
aterialise Magics. As the core component of the Materialise Magics 3D Print suite, this extensive software lets you manage every step of your additive manufacturing process.
The Most Powerful Data and Build Preparation Software
Materialise Magics is a versatile, industry-lea.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2021-02-08 Size: 1DVD
Materialise Mimics Innovation Suite 23.0.2
Mimics Innovation Suite
If your goal is to improve patient care, the patient’s anatomy is the right place to start. Medical image data thus serves as a powerful basis for engineers and researchers striving for solutions that will lead to safer and.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2021-02-08 Size: 1DVD
Arena Simulation 15.10
Discrete event simulation describes a process with a set of unique, specific events in time. These flexible, activity-based models can be effectively used to simulate almost any process.
Business Process Simulation
Few business decisions are straightforward. Changes in one .....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2021-02-08 Size: 1DVD
Zemax Opticstudio v20.3.2
NATIVE VOLUME HOLOGRAMS (ALL EDITIONS) AND DIFFRACTION EFFICIENCY ANALYSIS (PROFESSIONAL AND PREMIUM EDITIONS, SUBSCRIPTION ONLY) Volume holograms and their analysis are now natively supported in Sequential Mode. This release brings new native volume holograms and Diffracti.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2021-02-05 Size: 1DVD
Optics Software for Layout and Optimization meets today’s lens design and optical engineering requirements.
OSLO® is a leading lens design tool that combines advanced ray tracing, analysis, and optimization methods with an easy-to-use, high-speed, internal compiled language to solve a wi.....
Language : Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2021-02-05 Size:
VirutalLab FUSION 7.6
VirtualLab Fusion Discover a unique optical design software with ray tracing tools and fast physical optics modeling.
VirtualLab Fusion Basic provides a broad collection of technologies and covers a wide range of applications, far beyond just „Basic“.
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2021-02-05 Size: 1CD
Optiwave OptiSystem 17.1
OptiSystem 17.1 provides some new features, improvements and fixes *Active maintenance & support users will receive an email with the upgrade instructions. NOTE FOR USB KEY LICENSES: You must update your USB key before installing the new version (please contact us)! Downl.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2021-02-03 Size: 1CD
Materialise Mimics 25
What’s New in Magics 25
By Evan Kirby and Jan Welkenhuyzen
Experience the easy-to-use and productivity-boosting features introduced in the latest version of our industry-leading data and build prep software: Magics 25.
Whether you’ve already upgraded or are still.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2020-12-03 Size: 1DVD
RSoft Component Suite 2020
Announcing OptoCompiler: Industry-First Unified Electronic and Photonic Design Platform
We are pleased to announce the Synopsys OptoCompiler™ solution for photonic integrated circuit (PIC) design, layout implementation, and verification. OptoCompiler is the indust.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2020-11-20 Size: 1DVD
PHAWorks RA Edition 7.19
Get started right away
From the ground up, PHAWorks RA Edition is designed to provide everything you need to begin your study and follow it through until completion. Our intuitive design allows you to get a running start on your work without cumbersome setup and configuratio.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2020-11-20 Size: 1CD
PHDWin 2.10.6
PHDwin V3 has been highly anticipated in the oil and gas world for good reason. No other software platform delivers unparalleled calculation speeds, limitless database size, practical engineering tools, and sophisticated economic calculations all packaged inside a highly customizable u.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2020-10-31 Size: 1CD
WAsP Suite 2020
WAsP is the industry-standard PC software for wind resource assessment, siting and energy yield calculations for wind turbines and wind farms. WAsP is used for sites located in all kinds of terrain all over the world and includes.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2020-10-31 Size: 1CD
ASAP 2020 Next Generation v1
ASAP® is the time-proven industry standard in optical software, offering optical-system designers unmatched capability, flexibility, speed, and accuracy. ASAP accurately predicts the real-world performance of automotive lighting, bio-optic systems, coherent systems, .....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2020-10-26 Size: 1DVD
Leica Infinity 3.4
Leica Infinity is the user-friendly geospatial office software for the measurement professional. Whether it’s measuring new survey projects or preparing data for construction layout jobs, Infinity supports your workflow.
Different data come together on a field project &n.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2020-10-25 Size: 1CD
ANSYS Lumerical 2020 R2.2
Lumerical's DEVICE Suite of component-level simulation products use multiphysics-style simulation workflows to model optical, electrical and thermal effects at the physical level. Lumerical's SYSTEM Suite of system-level simulation products offer a rich set of analysis .....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2020-09-30 Size: 1DVD
VirutalLab FUSION 7.4
VirtualLab Fusion provides a platform for connecting optical field solvers. This approach enables fast physical optics with ray tracing.
Following the field tracing concept, in VirtualLab Fusion we connect various modeling technologies.
The six basic ideas on how to achieve fa.....
Language : Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2020-09-30 Size: 1DVD
Lindo What'sBest! v17
What'sBest! is an add-in to Excel that allows you to build large scale optimization models in a free form layout within a spreadsheet. What'sBest! combines the proven power of Linear, Nonlinear (convex and nonconvex/Global), Quadratic, Quadratically Constrained, Second Order.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2020-09-21 Size: 1CD
zemax 2020
OpticStudio® is the world’s leading optical, illumination, and laser system design software. Top companies in aerospace, astronomy, automotive, biomedical research, consumer electronics, and machine vision, use OpticStudio as their optical systems design tool of choice. With.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2020-09-06 Size: 1DVD
Snowden Supervisor 2020 v8.13.1.1
New Features
Run multiple realisation SGS simulations over multiple domains in a single run.
Reblock simulations for multiple block sizes.
Utilise a suite of post-processing components including Grade Tonnage Curve comparisons and Grade Cut-off Probabil.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2020-09-06 Size: 1CD
ANSYS Lumerical 2020 R2.1
Lumerical's DEVICE Suite of component-level simulation products use multiphysics-style simulation workflows to model optical, electrical and thermal effects at the physical level. Lumerical's SYSTEM Suite of system-level simulation products offer a rich set of analysis .....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2020-09-06 Size: 1DVD
PVSOL premium 2020 R8
PVSOL premium is a dynamic simulation program with 3D visualization and detailed shading analysis for the calculation of photovoltaic systems in combination with appliances, battery systems and electric vehicles.
With PVSOL premium, the industry standard for photovoltaic d.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2020-08-16 Size: 1CD
Trusted, comprehensive optical design software
OpticStudio® is the world’s leading optical, illumination, and laser system design software. Top companies in aerospace, astronomy, automotive, biomedical res.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2020-08-15 Size: 1DVD