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- Freshtime:2014-05-28
- Search:ECS FEMFAT v5.0d Win64 tutorials
FEMFAT (Finite Element Method Fatigue) is the number one engineering software tool for fatigue life prediction. It is used to improve reliability and robustness of components in automotive and machinery industry.
FEMFAT is a tool designed to identify critical locations and supports the light weight optimization process at an early development stage, way before time- and cost-consuming tests will be performed. This results in high confident level to release prototypes, therefore less development loops and costly hardware tests.
Continuously developed over the last 20 years, FEMFAT provides reliable results to release virtual prototypes in an early development stage. FEMFAT is widely used in the automotive and non-automotive industry and trusted to be the number one tool for CAE.
The binding link between test track, laboratory and CAE is FEMFAT LAB. It supports development engineers with respect to load data management, including analysis, data processing and generation of load spectra. FEMFAT LAB is a powerful software solution to visualize, analyze and process large amounts of load data. FEMFAT LAB analyzes time histories of millions of data points and hundreds of channels within seconds.
Anomalies such as drift, mean shift and spikes can be removed either automatically or manually. Time can be saved using the FEMFAT LAB project functionality, because the same operations can be carried out automatically for several files without any user input
The fatigue software package FEMFAT consists of many modules - each for particular use and more powerful if combined.
FEMFAT basic
FE-based software for predicting the fatigue life/damage and endurance safety factors of components. Includes comprehensive FE-interfaces and material database.
FEMFAT plast
A software module to consider the effects of mean stress rearrangement when local plastic deformation occurs.
A software module for fatigue analysis of MultiAXially loaded components using time histories of loads or series of stress states
A software module for fatigue analysis of welding seams for steel and aluminum using notch stress method and standards (DIN 15018, EUROCODE 3 and 9, BS 7608, IIW).
A software module for predicting fatigue of spot-joints (welds, rivets) in FE-shell structures.
FEMFAT break
A software module for assessing static safety factors.
A software module for the low cycle fatigue analysis of components which are exposed to thermo mechanical loads (e.g. cylinder heads, exhaust manifolds).
FEMFAT strain
A software module for assessing damage from measured strains and comparing stresses from FEA and testing.
FEMFAT visualizer
A fast, 3D postprocessor to display the FE-model, fatigue results and imported stresses including a feature to generate animations.
FEMFAT spectral
A software module to use Power Spectral Densities (PSD) for fatigue analysis in frequency domain for both Basic and Max analysis.
FEMFAT datacrypt
Fatigue results are only as good as the material data which have been used for the analysis. Datacrypt helps to protect your data while outsourcing projects.
FEMFAT parallel
Take the advantage to use more than only one CPU of your multicore workstation to speed up your analysis.