What's New in the FLOW-3D Version 10.1 Solver
New developments in FLOW-3D version 10.1 include the hybrid shallow water/3D flow model, the addition of porous moving components to the general moving objects model, the addition of a spray cooling model, plastic deformations in the FEA model and a new model for cooling channels. Version 10.1 features extensive improvements to the accuracy and performance of the software, including a dramatic reduction in the size of the results files. In addition to the solver developments, there has been a major redesign of the graphical users interface to help users easier unleash the power and accuracy of FLOW-3D.
Plastic deformations
Temperature-dependent yielding, based on the von Mises yield criterion, and plastic deformations (without hardening) have been added to both the FSI and TSE models. This addition is especially important when modeling the development of residual stresses in solidifying metals.
Solution pre-conditioning
An optional pre-conditioning step for the iterative FEA solver may help achieve more accurate solutions in less time.
Dynamic sub-space size
The option to dynamically adjust sub-space size for the iterative GMRES solver is designed to achieve convergence in less time.