Found 5516 query results that match crack
- Bentley Maxsurf 2024
Powerful Naval Architecture Software
Create initial hull designs and assess stability of all types of existing marine vessels. Use this complete set of integrated naval architecture tools to visualize and optimize vessel designs.What is MAXSURF?
Maxsurf is naval architectu.....
- Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-14 Size: 1DVD
- Geovariances ISATIS.NEO 2024.04Designed for every business dealing with spatialized data, Isatis.neo exceeds industry standards in geostatistics. The software enables thorough data analysis and visualization, produces high-quality maps and models, and allows you to carry out extensive uncertainty an.....
- Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-14 Size: 1CD
- DNV GeniE v8.11-01It's a powerful FEM modelling and analysis tool for innovation, flexibility and efficiency in offshore structural engineering.GeniE is a tool for concept (high level geometry) modelling of beams, flat plates and stiffened shells. Load modelling includes equipment (with automati.....
- Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-14 Size: 1CD
- Siemens Tecnomatix Plant Simulation 2404.0006
Plant Simulation is a discrete-event simulation tool that helps you to create digital models of logistic systems (such as production), so that you can explore a system’s characteristics and optimize its performance. These digital models allow you t.....
- Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-14 Size: 1DVD
- Siemens Solid Edge 2025.2410
Solid Edge delivers cloud-enabled design on your terms. It delivers the cloud capabilities you need by providing easy access to professional 3D CAD across different devices, the instant configuration of your CAD environment to your personal preferences, and the ability t.....
- Language : Multi Language Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-14 Size: 1DVD
- Materialise Magics
Overview of Materialise Magics
For the new Materialise Magics version with patent-pending features, we focused on ease of use and more control over the tools, reducing the time spent on data preparation and material consumption. Owners of metal 3D printing machines will .....
- Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-14 Size: 1DVD
- Tekla Structures 2024 SP5
Tekla by Trimble Solutions Corporation works with all materials and the most complex structures – you set the limits. Our customers have used Tekla Structures to model stadiums, offshore structures, plants and factories, residential buildings, bridges, and skyscrapers.....
- Language : Multi Language Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-14 Size: 1DVD
- Altium Designer
Altium has significantly enhanced user experience and productivity with a modern interface to simplify the design experience and enable unprecedented performance optimization, aided by 64-Bit architecture and multi-threading for better stability, speed, and functionality du.....
- Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-14 Size: 1DVD
- Agisoft Metashape Pro
This program is a stand-alone photogrammetric software solution for automatically generating dense point clouds, textured polygonal models, georeferenced true orthomosaics, and DSMs/DTMs from still images.
Based on the state-of-the-art technology developed by Agisof.....
- Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-14 Size: 1CD
- Cadence VManagerMain v21.03.002 FOR LINUX
vManager Verification Management
A powerful, scalable, and automated verification planning and management solution supporting multi-user, multi-engine, multi-projects, and multi-sites simultaneously
The Cadence vManager Verification Management is a scala.....
- Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2024-11-06 Size: 1DVD
- Mentor.Graphics.Calibre.2024.2.36.24.Linux
Calibre Design Solutions
Calibre Design Solutions is the industry leader for IC verification, delivering a complete IC verification and DFM optimization EDA platform that speeds designs from creation to manufacturing, addressing all sign-off requireme.....
- Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-06 Size: 1DVD
- Orcaflex 11.4DNew in version 11.4dBug fixes Spurious tracked changes would have appeared in the depth column of the profiled seabed data table when opening a text variation or restart file. An access violation error may have arisen when opening a data form after loading a variation model or re.....
- Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-06 Size: 1CD
- simufact additive v2024.2
Simufact Additive
Simulation software for process design, virtual testing and optimisation of metal-based additive manufacturing
Simufact Additive is a scalable software solution for the simulation of metal-based additive manufacturing processes which focuses on laser p.....
- Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-06 Size: 1DVD
- Vpiphotonics design suite 11.5
VPIphotonics Design Suite Version 11.5 provides access to professional application-specific simulation tools and add-on toolkits for photonic components and optical transmission systems. They offer flexible usability, design process, and analysis capabilities.
- Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-06 Size: 1DVD
- OpenFlows WaterGEMS 2024What’s new in OpenFlows WaterGEMS 2024WaterGEMS 2024 provides a unified, common environment that advances productivity, team collaboration, and project performance. Key new capabilities of this release include:– Query-based Active Topology– Selection Set gro.....
- Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-06 Size: 1DVD
- Mastercam 2025 Update 3Mastercam, the industry leader in CAD/CAM solutions, has released update 3 for Mastercam 2025. Latest version introduces cutting-edge features and enhancements designed to maximize speed, efficiency, and precision in your machining operations, setting a new benchmark in the in.....
- Language : Multi Language Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-06 Size: 1DVD
- Autodesk AutoCAD 2025.1.1
Autodesk AutoCAD 2025 design and documentation software, of the world’s leading 2D and 3D CAD tools. It will allow you to design and shape the world around you using its powerful and flexible features. Speed documentation, share ideas seamlessly, and explore ideas mor.....
- Language : Multi Language Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-06 Size: 1DVD
- Vectorworks InteriorCAD 2023 F3.1
Vectorworks InteriorCAD 2023 F3.1 (x64)Vectorworks interiorcad is the specialized Vectorworks-plugin for joiners, shopfitters, expo booth designers and manufacturers. A mature Cabinet Maker, flexible 3D Custom Parts and an extensive hardware library, help you de.....
- Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-06 Size: 1DVD
- GibbsCAM 2025 V25.0.41.0GibbsCAM® is cutting-edge CAM software for programming CNC machine tools with the power and flexibility to make parts the way you want. With its single, shop-friendly interface that is customizable and easy to navigate, you'll maximize productivity. Whether you're.....
- Language : Multi Language Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-06 Size: 1DVD
- nTopology 5.9.2At the core of nTopology lies our implicit modeling engine. In implicit modeling, every solid body is described by a single mathematical equation. nTopology's unbreakable geometry engine enables lightning-fast design iterations and eliminates design bottlenecks in advanced product.....
- Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-11-06 Size: 1DVD