Found 5516 query results that match crack

  • GeoGraphix Discovery R2007.1

    ::::::English Description::::::Routinely used by:• Exploration geologists and geophysicists• Development geologists and geophysicists• Petrophysicists• GeotechniciansTypically used for:• Any type of oil and gas asset• Interpreting regional and individual asset subsurfa.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2008-01-26 Size: 446MB
  • Bentley WaterCAD XM 08.09.400.34

    WaterCAD is a robust and comprehensive water distribution modeling program that can be customized with additional modeling platforms and modules as your modeling requirements grow. WaterCAD includes, out-of-the-box, two interoperable platforms, letting you choose the environment that best fits your .....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2008-01-24 Size: 98MB
  • Bentley WaterGEMS XM 08.09.400.34

    WaterGEMS V8 XM Edition extends every piece of functionality across all the included CAD, GIS, and stand-alone platforms. For example, GIS users can now exercise total control over engineering units directly within ArcGIS’s attribute tables, using the same FlexTables technology they can find in the.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2008-01-24 Size: 100MB
  • ADAPT PT 8.003

    ::::::English Description::::::Since 1981, the Industry’s standard and choice of consulting engineers worldwide for an easy-to-use, efficient, and reliable production tool. This software is based on the proven Equivalent Frame Technology and features the following modeling, analysis and desig.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2008-01-08 Size: 53MB
  • MASTERCAM X2 v11.1

    Mastercam delivers CAD/CAM software tools for all types of programming, from the most basic to the extremely complex. 2-axis machining, multiaxis milling and turning, wire EDM, router applications, free-form artistic modeling and cutting, 3D design, drafting, surface and solid modeling – whate.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2008-01-04 Size: 166MB
  • TICRA Grasp 9.3

    The GRASP9 software is the most versatile tool available for analysing general reflector antennas and antenna farms. The package is a general tool to handle single, dual and multi-reflector configurations (beam waveguides). GRASP9 can calculate the electromagnetic radiation from systems consisting o.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-01-01 Size: 57MB
  • ISIGHT FD 2.5.5

    In today’s complex product development and manufacturing environment, designers and engineers are using a wide range of software tools to design and simulate their products. Often, chained simulation process flows are required in which the parameters and results from one software package are needed.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-12-19 Size: 640MB
  • Silvaco TCAD 2006.03 Linux

    ::::::English Description::::::Silvaco TCAD Linux tools start with understanding the physics of the basic semiconductor, dielectric, and conducting materials. The Virtual Wafer Fab technology simulation environment enables the ATHENA process technology simulators and the ATLAS device technology sim.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-12-16 Size: 323MB
  • GibbsCAM 2007 8.7.7

    ::::::English Description:::::: GibbsCAM®, the CAM industry’s recognized ease-of-use leader, offers simple to use, yet extremely powerful, solutions for programming CNC machine tools. GibbsCAM’s intuitive, graphical user interface, is not only easy to learn, but is extremely efficien.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-12-10 Size: 157MB
  • Anycasting 2.4

    # nyCasting (Casting) This is simulation software designed exclusively for each of casting processes. It helps manufacturer to produce soundness castings with predicting defect through a simulation based on the FDM method by analyzing the filling and solidification pattern during casting process, i.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-11-21 Size: 126MB
  • Fintronic Super FinSim 9.2.8 Linux

    ::::::English Description::::::Super Finsim is the best choice for large Verilog simulation capacity. It offers an excellent price/performance ratio and robust integration with third party software. Features: Best choice for large farms for Verilog simulation .....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-11-20 Size: 37MB
  • SCAD Office 11.1

    ::::::English Description::::::SCAD Office is an advanced system of new generation, designed by engineers for engineers and developed by a team of skillful programmers. The system includes a high-performance computational software SCAD (version 11.1) and a number of design and accessory programs tha.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-11-20 Size: 95MB
  • Esri ArcGIS Engine 9.2 Developer Kit

    ::::::English Description::::::ArcGIS Engine is a developer product for creating custom GIS desktop applications. ArcGIS Engine provides application programming interfaces (APIs) for COM, .NET, Java, and C++. These APIs not only include detailed documentation, but they also include a series of high-.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-11-14 Size: 1.64G
  • Agilent IC-CAP 2006 Win

    About IC-CAP IC-CAP (integrated circuit characterization and analysis program) is device modeling software that provides powerful characterization and analysis capabilities for today’s semiconduc- tor modeling. IC-CAP offers device engineers and designers a state- of-the-art modeling tool that fill.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-10-18 Size: 246MB
  • VariCAD 2007 v3.00 Linux Rpm package

    p>::::::English Description::::::VariCAD 2007 v3.00 Linux Rpm package is a 3D/2D CAD system for mechanical engineering. In addition to standard tools for 3D modeling and 2D drafting, the CAD system provides tools for sheet metal unbending and crash tests, assembly support, libraries of standard mech.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-10-13 Size: 42MB
  • ProgeCAD_2008_Professional_8.0.5

    progeCAD 2008 is the next generation of progeCAD and represent the state of the art of IntelliCAD® evolution. His native DWG support from version up to 2008and the high level of compatibility with AutoCAD® enviroment and interface are only two of the key features. Familiarity of AutoCAD® f.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-10-02 Size: 184MB
  • TRANSDAT 11.04

    ::::::English Description:::::: The program TRANSDAT executes coordinate transformations with and without changing the geodetic reference system (datum shift) in high quality and with heigh performance: 1. The current and many historical Coordinate and Reference Systems of all States of the European.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-10-02 Size: 3MB
  • LSTC LS-OPT 3.2

    standard deviation composite function has been added to allow Robust Parameter Design. Parameter Identification has been enhanced by providing the necessary graphical pre- and postprocessing features. Confidence intervals have been introduced to quantify the uncertainty of the optimal parameter.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-10-01 Size: 16MB
  • LSTC LS-DYNA 9.71 R2

    LS-DYNA is a general purpose transient dynamic finite element program capable of simulating complex real world problems. It is optimized for shared and distributed memory Unix, Linux, and Windows based, platforms. LS-DYNA A combined Implicit/Explicit solver. One scalable code for solving highly.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-10-01 Size: 133MB

    ::::::English Description::::::RealFlow has been used for the production of spectacular effects in numerous major movies. These include Primeval, 300, Meet the Robinsons, Poseidon, X-Men 3 (The last stand), Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, and Ice Age 2 (.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-10-01 Size: 90MB