• Maximizer CRM Enterprise 10 CRM商业销售管理软件

    销售和客户关系管理 软件,自1995年以来,全球超过100百万用户,Maximizer通过高效管理时间、销售、客户,使成功变得轻而易举 TOP TEN Maximizer Features(Maximizer 10十大最高特性): Account & Contact Management (帐户和联系管理) Manage your customers better than your competitors can manage theirs. 在贯穿整个客户生命周期.....
    Language : Multilanguage Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-09-26 Size: 388MB
  • Materialise Magics RP 11.1

    Magics e-RP Additive Manufacturing Software Home Products / Magics e-RP The solution for your RP&M process control and planning Magics e-RP is an advanced software solution for project and process management within additive manufacturing set-ups. It enables its users to streamline and automate th.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-08-30 Size: 94MB

    At COADE we know that things are tight, and the name of the game is getting the best out of every dollar you invest in your business. Because of this you may be considering passing up on critical software purchases or keeping your software up-to-date. We understand, but we also feel that having th.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-08-30 Size: 20MB

    ::::::English Description::::::Allows the users to publish their P&ID projects in a web based format allowing users access to drawings, reports and underlying database information from browser. Distributive design and information sharing has finally come of age in the plant design world! .....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-08-30 Size: 34MB

    ::::::English Description::::::CADWorx Equipment 2008 is a hierarchical parametric modeler that makes the complexities of building equipment as simple as entering values in an easy-to-use build tree. For vessels, tanks and exchangers, items such as skirts, shells, reducing cones, heads, body flange.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-08-30 Size: 35MB
  • CADWorx Plant Professional 2008

    CADWorx Plant suites 2008 supply the most complete range of tools for hassle-free plant design. Piping, equipment,steel, HVAC and cable trays and database links are all included. CADWorx Plant Professional also features CADWorx Equipment, ISOGEN, NavisWorksr Roamer and live database links. .....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-08-30 Size: 56MB

    CADWorx Steel 2008 is a full-featured steel modeling package that comes complete with international steel shapes and catalogs. CADWorx Steel provides tools to quickly insert steel members into a design or build complex steel structures with full coping and database capabilities. The program allows s.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-08-30 Size: 13MB

    Intergraph CADWorx IP (Internet Publisher) allows P&ID's to be effortlessly published so that they can be viewed using Windows Internet Explorer. Published projects also allow each component's database information, and any documents linked to them, to be accessed from within the browser. Published p.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-08-30 Size: 48MB
  • Invensys Simsci HexTran 9.1

    HEXTRAN is the core heat transfer technology for all of SIM4ME. Users will instantly recognize the look-and-feel upgrades in the latest version. The GUI is Java-based, and offers a built-in HTML help system. These characteristics enable the production of standard TEMA exchanger data sheets in both H.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-08-29 Size: 276MB
  • Esko Graphics ArtiosCAD v7.2

    Esko Software Suite 6 is the world’s most complete set of integrated packaging preproduction software tools. It features a wide range of powerful tools for structural design, graphic design, one-up editing, sheet layout, workflow management and collaboration, color management and output contro.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-08-27 Size: 1.20G
  • ChemOffice BioAssay Ultra 2008 v11 生物学实验数据分析软件

    BioAssay软件可以管理生物学实验中获得的数据。 该软件是为那些致力于药品和基因研究的化学家和生物学家设计的, 对于那些从事复杂模型活性实验的研究人员有着特殊的意义。该软件整合了化学和生物学数据, 使用者可以通过ChemFinder软件进行结构和文本查询从而建立起报告和制表的EXCEL表模板。 BioAssay软件只能在Windows平.....
    Language : English Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-08-25 Size: 68MB
  • ChemOffice ENotebook Ultra 2008 v11 化学实验室电子记录软件

    E-Notebook软件为用户提供了一种可替代纸质实验室笔记本的流畅界面。 该软件页面包含Excel电子制表软件、Word文档、ChemDraw绘图及反应和光谱数据。E-Notebook软件可通过文本、 结构和反应来搜索, 该软件只能在Windows环境下使用。 E-Notebook的增强版本,这一版本包括E-Notebook Ultra 10.0软件、 ChemDraw Std 10.0软件.....
    Language : English Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-08-25 Size: 55MB
  • ChemOffice Inventory Ultra 2008.v11

    ChemOffice Inventory Ultra 2008.v11是一款化学设计软件。::::::English Description::::::The Inventory Ultra 11.0 suite includes Inventory Pro 11.0, the ChemDraw and Chem3D ActiveX Pro Plugins & Controls as well as a one year subscription to ChemACX.com. Inventory Ultra adds a one year subscription .....
    Language : English Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-08-25 Size: 53MB
  • ChemOffice Ultra 2008 v11

    TChemOffice的Pro版本,这套软件由ChemDraw Ultra 11.0, Chem3D Ultra 11.0, ChemFinder Pro 11.0和E-Notebook Pro 11.0软件组成。 ChemOffice Pro 2008比ChemOffice Std增加了Name<=>Struct、ChemNMR,、 MOPAC Client、 Gaussian Client,、GAMESS Client、 Properties LiveLink、 Stereo Hardware Support、 ClogP、 3D G.....
    Language : English Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-08-25 Size: 125MB
  • CambridgeSoft ChemACX Ultra 10.0 化学数据库

    ChemACX是一份全面的在线目录集, 包括目前405家行业领先化工厂商的产品信息如: Sigma Aldrich、 Fisher、Acros、 Alfa Aesar、Lancaster、Novabiochem (EMD Biosciences, Inc.) 以及TCI America (所有厂商可以参见ChemACX.) 。ChemACX能为您快速提供352300余种特殊化学物质 (其中13420种是新物质) 的定购信息和超过73310.....
    Language : English Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-08-04 Size: 1.73G
  • OptisWorks Studio 2007

    Optis has launched the OptisWorks Studio product, which allows users ? ? to design both optics and mechanics using just one interface. No CAD ? ? software is required to work with OptisWorks Studio. ? ? .....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-07-21 Size: 1.42G
  • Invensys Simsci Romeo 4.3.1

    ::::::English Description::::::ROMeo is an advanced, unified modeling environment for both off-line and on-line optimization, designed to help maximize the profitability of refining, petrochemical, and chemical processes. Working within an easy-to-use, Microsoft&reg; Windows-based environment and en.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-07-18 Size: 249MB
  • Array Designer 4.24

    ::::::English Description:::::: Array Designer designs thousands of primers and probes for oligo and cDNA microarrays in seconds. It designs probes for SNP detection, microarray gene expression and gene expression profiling. In addition, comprehensive support for tiling arrays and resequencing arra.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-07-14 Size: 48MB
  • VIDA v2.1.1

    ::::::English Description:::::: VIDA is a graphical interface designed from the ground-up to visualize, manage and manipulate large sets of molecular information. It supports all standard visualization paradigms, including 2D depiction, both hardware and software stereo, surface selection and manipu.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-06-07 Size: 28MB
  • SuperPro Designer LT 6.0

    SuperPro Designer方便了各种工业生产(配药学、应用生物学、专业化学、食品学、矿物处理、提纯水、空气污染控制等等)综合过程中的建模、评估、和优化。工业生产和环境操作模块相结合使用能使大规模的工业生产和处理过程以及通过污染预防和控制达到实际消耗最小化的目的,并且设计和评估可以同时进行。  SuperPro Designer.....
    Language : English Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-06-05 Size: 93MB
  • FRED 2.2.1

    FRED为一款帮助你作有机化学有关的材料分子结构分析或蛋白质结构等分析的软件. ..
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-05-09 Size: 18MB
  • Primavera Expedition 10.1

    ::::::English Description:::::: Your role as a Contract Manager is to assist in the preparation, review,and administration of contractual proposals relating to construction projects. Preparing bids, negotiating specifications for materials or other construction services and securing all necessary a.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-04-21 Size: 1.02G
  • Faciliworks 7.08

    Faciliworks 7.08 ..
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-04-12 Size: 99MB
  • MiPACS Dental Enterprise Solution 3.1

    Medicor Imaging is the leading provider of dental PACS systems worldwide. MiPACS Dental Enterprise PACS is the only system needed to acquire, store, and view digital dental images. Built in accordance with the DICOM 3.0 standard, MiPACS offers a scalable, device-independent, and affordable solution.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-04-12 Size: 402MB
  • DASYLab 9.0.2

    Here's what I did using the NI-DAQmx simulation mode: - create two tasks Analog Output - 4 channels, 1k output rate, 100 samples to write, Continuous Analog Input - 4 channels, 1k input rate, 100 samples to read, Continuous Save them. Start up or synchronize DASYLab.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-04-12 Size: 145MB