SIEMENS EPACTOOL 3.24 is an efficient positioning and calibration tool for the Siemens MLC. Developed for the professional engineer, this software-based program simplifies and automates the testing and calibration process. ::::::English Description::::::The EPACtoolT MLC is an efficient positioni.....
Language : English Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-04-26 Size: 16MB
AlleleID是一款专业的生物检测软件。通过排列次序定位DNA的差异位点,并查找蛋白质组间氨基酸的区域,专门为检测研究病原体,细菌鉴定、物种鉴定以及生物门类辨识 提供微阵列(MICROARRAY)和定量聚合酶链反应(qPCR)试验而设计。::::::English Description:::::: AlleleID aligns sequences to locate differences in DNA and to.....
Language : English Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-04-18 Size: 28MB
Materialise SurgiCase Master 3.0—一款用来查看牙齿CT的软件。::::::English Description::::::Reading of the CT data - The SurgiCase Master will interface with a range of CT Scanners. The data will be read from magneto optical disk, tape or CD-ROM and converted into the Materialise file for.....
Language : English Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-03-29 Size: 17MB
::::::English Description::::::Endeavour is designed for the solution of crystal structures from powder diffraction data. Its innovative concept implies a combined global optimization of the difference between the calculated and measured diffraction pattern and of the potential energy of the system.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2008-03-27 Size: 20MB
::::::English Description::::::With SimPlant Planner+, you are serviced by a SimPlant Master who builds the 3D anatomy for you. You can become self-processing and make the 3Ds yourself! SimPlant PRO allows you to: Read your data coming from any type of CT scanner or Conebeam scanner Generate .....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-03-09 Size: 59MB
::::::English Description::::::CAESAR II Changes & Enhancements - Version 5.00 (10/05) The following new piping codes have been added: EN-13480, GPTC/192, Z662 Ch 11. The following piping codes have been revised due to “code” changes: B31.1, B31.3, B31.5, B31.8, B31.11, ASME NC,.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2008-02-17 Size: 707MB
AllFusion Data Model Validator 7.2,用于在开发过程中验证数据库应用程序的完整性,以及将所做的更改轻松集成到现有数据库中。 不但能自动分析数据库方案,还能提供图形报表,帮助企业经济有效地保证数据库系统的持续完整性和性能。AllFusion建模套件支持Oracle、DB2、Advantage Ingres Enterprise Relational Database、Micro.....
Language : English Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2008-02-17 Size: 16MB
::::::English Description::::::PVElite is a comprehensive program for the complete structural design or analysis of tall towers and horizontal vessels according to latest standards from ASME, PD 5500 (British Code), UBC, EN-13445, API-579 and the Welding Research Council. PVElite evaluates the entir.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-02-16 Size: 50MB
::::::English Description::::::FieldAlign is a smart molecular alignment tool for modellers and medicinal chemists. Given a 3D template molecule, it can align other molecules entered in 2D to that template rapidly and in a biologically-relevant manner. The template would commonly be an active molec.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-02-15 Size: 7MB
::::::English Description::::::Cresset s inspirational FieldTemplater?application allows the modeller or medicinal chemist to generate hypotheses for the bioactive conformation of ligands from 2D structures alone. Given three or more active molecules,FieldTemplater can suggest not only what the bioa.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-02-15 Size: 8MB
IndraWorks - One tool for all Solutions Rexroth IndraWorks Integrated framework engineering Rexroth IndraWorks allows you to solve all tasks in a uniform and intuitive software environment ?from project planning and programming to visualization and diagnostics. The uniform engineering framework Indr.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-02-15 Size: 218MB
>::::::English Description:::::: S7-SCL High-level language programming S7-SCL (Structured Control Language) is a high-level language based on PASCAL for programmable controllers. .....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-01-31 Size: 37MB
OLGA contains important bug fixes for the engine, GUI and server. See "Release Notes" for details..
This is a complete release of OLGA 5.
For more information: log-in and read the release note for OLGA 5.3.4 and
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-01-27 Size: 82MB
::::::English Description::::::The Discovery SeriesT Quantity Oner CFR module is an optional module that adds features for compliance with US FDA CFR Title 21 Part 11 regulations to Quantity One 1-D analysis software, allowing users to adopt internal operating procedures in compliance with FDA re.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-01-16 Size: 24MB
::::::English Description::::::Proteomics can be used in any lab to help answer questions about protein expression and function that cannot be answered using any other method. One method currently employed to obtain information on complex mixtures of proteins (ranging from whole cell lysates to orga.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-01-15 Size: 45MB
DYNSIM is a comprehensive, dynamic process simulation program that enables users to meet and beat the dynamic challenges of designing and operating a modern process plant safely and profitably. Powered by the SIM4ME common modeling environment, DYNSIM is designed with model data inheritance as a key.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-01-03 Size: 224MB
GRAFCET – the new graphical description language that describes the logical behaviour and operation of a control system or process – regardless of the technical software/hardware implementation.
The new FluidSIM® Version 4.2 lets you create GRAFCET plans according to the standard DIN EN 60848 st.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2007-11-20 Size: 34MB
>LOGO! Soft Comfort - sensationally fast and easy operation. Create ladder and function block diagrams simply by selecting and dragging & dropping the relevant functions and your connections. Offline simulation enables testing of the entire switching program on the PC as well as online testing in RU.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-10-02 Size: 117MB
::::::English Description::::::LOGO! Soft Comfort Linux- sensationally fast and easy operation. Create ladder and function block diagrams simply by selecting and dragging & dropping the relevant functions and your connections. Offline simulation enables testing of the entire switching program on the.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-10-02 Size: 103MB
sensationally fast and easy operation. Create ladder and function block diagrams simply by selecting and dragging & dropping the relevant functions and your connections. Offline simulation enables testing of the entire switching program on the PC as well as online testing in RUN mode. Professional .....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-10-02 Size: 73MB
WinCC flexible is ideal for use as the HMI software in all applications in which operator control and monitoring is required on site - whether in production and process automation.WinCC flexible is designed on a non-industry specific basis and it offers Engineering Software for SIMATIC HMI operator .....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2007-10-02 Size: 1G