• BioSolvetIT Seesar 13.0.2

    BioSolvetIT Seesar 13.0.2 SeeSAR is your intuitive, visual drug design platform. Covering every step of your drug discovery process - from virtual screening to fragment-based design - SeeSAR fosters ideation in the most fun and comprehensive way.​SeeSAR fosters innovation during every step of your .....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2023-09-13 Size: 1CD
  • Mimics Innovation Suite 25 (c)Materialise_ 3D Medical Image Processing

    Mimics Innovation Suite 25Mimics Innovation Suite (MIS) makes using 3D medical image data easy and rewarding for engineers and researchers who believe in improving care through technology that starts with anatomical geometry. MIS’ advanced tools allow you to create and scale up your innovatio.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2023-08-27 Size: 1DVD
  • Vpi photonics design suite 11.1

    Vpi photonics design suite 11.1VPIphotonics Design Suite™ embeds expert knowledge from our component and transmission design tools in one shared, flexible software environment to support requirements in design, analysis and optimization providing you with the most powerful numerical algorithms.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-08-24 Size: 1DVD
  • Hydromantis GPS-X v8.1_Advanced Wastewater Modelling

    Hydromantis GPS-X v8.1_Advanced Wastewater Modelling | Innovative Tools GPS-XTM contains a suite of sophisticated tools allowing you to create advanced plant layouts, run interactive simulations, and perform in-depth analysis on model results. Premium Water & Wastewater Modelling and Simulation Soft.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2023-08-24 Size: 1CD
  • LTI Photopia 2023

    LTI Photopia 2023 Photopia™ 2023 ReleaseA new PODT collimator tool allows you to quickly create 3 styles of TIR collimator by just answering a few simple questions like diameter, depth and aiming. Then you can easily iterate on the collimator without having to join/trim any profiles or go in.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-08-24 Size: 1DVD
  • Mass Frontier 8.1_ Spectral Interpretation Software

    Mass Frontier 8.1 _Spectral Interpretation SoftwareWitness its true functionalityDeconvolve your average quality, high-resolution LC-MSn, or infusion data.You can obtain all your data by simply examining all components - no matter how complex such data may be.Learn more about unknown substancesTran.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-08-20 Size: 1DVD
  • ANSYS SPEOS 2023R2

    ANSYS SPEOS 2023R2 What's New The new release of Ansys Speos delivers powerful capabilities that speed time to result, improve simulation accuracy, and expand interoperability with other Ansys products. Optimization Speos objects, or geometry, are based on photometric targets, including stud.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-08-08 Size: 1DVD
  • Zemax Opticstudio v23.2_optical design software

    Zemax Opticstudio v23.2 _optical design software OpticStudio’s intuitive user interface includes easy-to-learn tools and wizards which enable efficient simulation and design of any optical system. With more than 200 field points you can set up even the most complex freeform and non-rotational.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-07-28 Size: 1DVD
  • DeepFND 2020

    DeepFND 2020 DeepFND - Deep Foundation Design Software Deep foundation design can be more complex and challenging than it appears in simple text books. Determining the geotechnical pile capacity is an art with many different methods that are available. Beyond estimating the skin friction and end bea.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-07-19 Size: 1CD
  • Supervisor Datamine v8.15.0.3

    Supervisor Datamine v8.15.0.3 WHAT’S NEW FOR SUPERVISOR V8.15.1.1Supervisor, our comprehensive geostatistical package, is now even more powerful with the latest major version update. In addition to its existing suite of univariate and multivariate data analysis tools, the new release introduce.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-07-19 Size: 1CD
  • Seismotank V3.0

    Seismotank V3.0SeismoTANK is a specific application for seismic analysis and inspection of tanks based on the most important current regulations on this topic, namely Eurocode 8 Part 4, API 650, ACI 350, AWWA, and NZSEE...
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-07-13 Size: 1CD
  • PVsyst v7.4.0

    PVsyst v7.4.0 New features:- Meteo import: possibility to import 3E TMY hourly data in Import in known format- Optimizer: implemented Sungrow optimizers, with sizing constraints (inverters allowed, limits on the number in series, etc.) and update of the help- Trackers: wind stow position for tilted .....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-07-06 Size: 1CD
  • ANSYS Zemax OpticStudio 2023 R2

    ANSYS Zemax OpticStudio 2023 R2 Discover new ways to turn innovative ideas into products that shape the world. OpticStudio is the standard for optical, illumination, and laser system design in leading companies throughout the optics industry and at universities around the world.Get your free trial o.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-06-28 Size: 1DVD
  • RSoft Component Suite 2022

    RSoft Component Suite 2022 The RSoft Photonic Device Tools comprise the industry's widest portfolio of simulators and optimizers for passive and active photonic and optoelectronic devices, including lasers and VCSELs. We are integrated with Synopsys optical and semiconductor design tools for str.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-06-20 Size: 1DVD

    WILEY.SCIENCE.SOLUTIONS.KNOWITALL.INFORMATICS.SYSTEM.2023.V23.2.50 KnowItAll Analytical Edition software: solutions to accelerate IR, MS, NMR, Raman and UV/VIS analysis. Wiley's KnowItAll Analytical Edition provides solutions for identifying, analyzing, and managing analytical data. Combined with t.....
    Language : Multi Language Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-06-17 Size: 1CD

    LUCIDSHAPE 2023 Design automotive forward, rear and signal lighting, and reflectors Quickly Create Reflector or Lens Geometry Quickly and easily create reflector or lens geometry with LucidShape FunGeo. It leverages proprietary algorithms that automatically calculate and construct optical.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-06-11 Size: 1DVD
  • Rational Acoustics Smaart Suite 9.1.6

    Rational Acoustics Smaart Suite 9.1.6 Smaart Suite is the full-featured flagship Smaart program, including all three industry standard measurement modes (Real Time, Impulse Response, and SPL), with no functional limitations. Suite is the edition that mostly closely matches the functionality foun.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-06-07 Size:
  • DEWESOFT 2023.3

    DEWESOFT 2023.3 DewesoftX is an award-winning data acquisition and signal processing software. It is heavily used for numerous test & measurement applications across all markets. DewesoftX is a defacto standard for signal measurement, data recording, signal processing, and data visualization. Dewes.....
    Language : Multi Language Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2023-06-07 Size: 1CD

    AUTOFLUID INFINITY 2023 The “INFINITY” package of the AUTOFLUID fluid networks software makes it more accessible, more flexible and more powerful than ever. As a “subscriber”, there’s no need to wait for the next “new version”, the applications evolve contin.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-06-07 Size: 1CD
  • Cadna 2021

    Cadna 2021 CadnaA (Computer Aided Noise Abatement) is the leading software for calculation, presentation, assessment and prediction of environmental noise. Whether your objective is to study the noise immission of an industrial plant, of a mart including a parking lot, of a new road or railway s.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-06-06 Size: 1DVD
  • PVSOL premium 2023 R5

    PVSOL premium 2023 R5 PV*SOL is the industry's leading 3D solar software with the most detailed configuration and shade analysis for PV systems. The further PV feed-in tariffs decrease, the more important it is for architects, engineers and PV system planners to convince their customers that self.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-06-05 Size: 1CD
  • BioSolvetIT Seesar 13.0

    BioSolvetIT Seesar 13.0 SeeSAR is your intuitive, visual drug design platform. Covering every step of your drug discovery process - from virtual screening to fragment-based design - SeeSAR fosters ideation in the most fun and comprehensive way.​ SeeSAR fosters innovation during every step of you.....
    Language : Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2023-05-27 Size:
  • CODE V 2023.03

    CODE V 2023.03CODE V is the most capable, powerful optical design software on the planet.Intuitive, intelligent tools let you take on any optical design task, from the simple to the complex, and design better solutions faster than ever.Key Features Design optimization (including Global Synthesis).....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-04-30 Size: 1DVD
  • ADVANCE.NANOLABO.2023.v2.8

    ADVANCE.NANOLABO.2023.v2.8 Advance/NanoLabo An integrated GUI which can graphically operates various calculation solvers such as Quantum ESPRESSO*1, LAMMPS*2, Advance/PHASE (Our product). It is easy to set modeling and calculation conditions by automatically searching information in typical material.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-04-30 Size: 1CD
  • FlowJo 10.9

    FlowJo 10.9 The leading platform for superior analysis. FlowJo is a software package for analyzing flow cytometry data. Files produced by modern flow cytometers are written in the Flow Cytometry Standard format with an .fcs file extension. FlowJo will import and analyze cytometry data regardless.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2023-04-27 Size: 1CD