Improve efficiency, quickly implement strategies and increase profitability. ILOG CPLEX's mathematical optimization technology enables better decision-making for efficient resource utilization. .....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2012-01-30 Size: 4 MB
  • IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimizer v12.3

    Model business issues mathematically and solve them with IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimizer's powerful algorithms to produce precise and logical decisions. .....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2012-01-30 Size: 54 MB
  • Intergraph CADWorx 2012

    ntergraph® has released its newest product, Intergraph CADWorx® DraftPro™, an intelligent AutoCAD®-based plant design package, and is offering it free to the plant design and engineering community (www.cadworxdraftpro.com). Built on the company’s CADWorx Plant Professional package, which offers.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2012-01-12 Size: 1CD
  • SAP.Visual.Enterprise.Author.v7.0.0.54.

    NOTE: SAP Visual Enterprise Author was previously called RightHemisphere Deep Exploration Deep Exploration is the end-user application that drives the creation of content for distribution into the Visual Enterprise. With Deep Exploration, users can make the most of disparate.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2011-12-27 Size: 2CD
  • IBM.SPSS.Visualization.Designer.v1.0.3

    Easily create and share compelling visualizations that better communicate your analytic results. Easily develop and build new visualizations that enable new ways to portray and communicate analytics to others. With IBM SPSS Visualization Designer, you don't need extensive programming s.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2011-12-27 Size: 175 MB
  • COADE PVElite V2011

    Code updates and analysis changes ASME Section VIII Division 1 and Division 2010 new Code updates are incorporated. The updates includes: 1. ASME part UHX for Shell and Tube heat Exchangers. 2. The option of using App. 1-10 instead of UG-37 for all sizes of nozzles on cylinders a.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2011-12-09 Size: 1CD
  • OPTIS SPEOS CAA V5 Based R11

    OPTIS has integrated its 3D Textures package into OptisWorks, which is the SolidWorks add-in version of Optis’s SPEOS software. Previously 3D Textures was available as a module within the stand-alone OPTIS software, SPEOS. But its redevelopment as a SolidWorks add-in module – with improved perfor.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2011-12-07 Size: 2DVD
  • OptisWorks 2012 for solidworks

    OPTIS edits a range of software for the scientific simulation of light and human vision within a Virtual Reality Environment. Its solutions allow designers, ergonomists and engineers to simulate and optimize lighting performance, colors, optical effects, product lit appearance as well as the visibil.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2011-12-07 Size: 2DVD
  • Waterloo Hydrogeologic UnSat Suite v2.2.0.2

    he WHI UnSat Suite combines three popular unsaturated zone models in a powerful new graphical environment specifically designed for simulating one-dimensional groundwater flow and contaminant transport through the unsaturated zone. These models are: SESOIL - a popular US EPA model which is capable .....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2011-12-07 Size: 47 MB
  • Datalog DASYLab v12.0

    Create complex applications in minimal time without programming Lets you build worksheets using graphical functions Implements real-time operations, including PID control Provides standard real-time displays (charts, meters, graphs) Provides complete library of computational functions including .....
    Language : Multi Language Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2011-12-05 Size: 321 MB
  • SHELL FRED 5.0

    SHELL FRED 5.0. Shell FRED (Fire, Release, Explosion, Dispersion) is a software system which models the consequences of a release of product..
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2011-11-29 Size: 65 MB
  • FRI Device Rating Program V2.1.3.794

    assist engineers of its member company in rating and preliminary design calculations of internal devices for mass transfer. The program handles various trays and packings. The trays include sieve, valve, dualflow, baffle, and bubble cap; the program handles both random and structured packings. Th.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2011-11-14 Size: 13 MB
  • Primavera P6 Release 8.1

    Oracle's Primavera P6 Release 8.1 With the release of Primavera P6 Release 8.1 Oracle continues to deliver enterprise-wide, web-based project management features that improve your project management efficiencies, whilst accommodating a wide spectrum of organisations and users from across the globe......
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2011-10-18 Size: 1CD
  • Materialise Mimics 14.12

    Mimics, the fastest (and easiest) software available for getting accurate 3D surface models from imaging data, has been updated and offers many new and improved features to discover. Since medical imaging data is getting more detailed, resulting in bigger files, smarter and faster algorithms are nec.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2011-10-09 Size: 1CD
  • IBM.SPSS.Text.Analytics.for.Surveys.v4.0.1.

    IBM?SPSS?Text Analytics for Surveys uses powerful natural language processing (NLP) technologies specifically designed for survey text. It leads the way in unlocking open-ended responses for better insight and statistical ana..
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2011-10-09 Size:

    With SimPlant Planner+, you are serviced by a SimPlant Master who builds the 3D anatomy for you. You can become self-processing and make the 3Ds yourself! SimPlant PRO allows you to: Read your data coming from any type of CT scanner or Conebeam scanner Generate nice 3D representations of your patien.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2011-10-09 Size: 1CD
  • IBM.SPSS.Amos.v20

    IBM SPSS Amos gives you the power to easily perform structural equation modeling to build models with more accuracy than with standard multivariate statistics techniques. ..
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2011-09-21 Size: 60 MB
  • IBM.SPSS.Statistics.v20

    IBM SPSS Statistics is easy to use and forms the foundation for many types of statistical analyses. IBM SPSS Statistics enables you to get a quick look at your data, formulate hypotheses for additional testing, and then carry ou.....
    Language : Multi Language Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2011-09-21 Size: 1.75 GB
  • ASAP 2010 V1R1 SP2

    ASAP® is powered by the ASAP non-sequential ray-tracing engine — known throughout the optics industry for its accuracy and efficiency. Rays can encounter surfaces in any order and any number of times, with automatic ray splitting. Optimized for speed, ASAP will trace millions of rays in minutes. .....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2011-09-20 Size: 1CD
  • Pipeline Studio.v3.3.1.0

    PipelineStudio is the industry-leading pipeline design and engineering solution that combines graphical configuration and reporting tools with industry-proven simulation engines. It provides fast, accurate, robust and reliable answers to a wide range of steady-state and transient analysis challenges.....
    Language : english Authorization: Business Freshtime:2011-09-18 Size: 1CD
  • Lumerical FDTD Solutions 7.5

    Employing the industry proven finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, FDTD Solutions empowers designers to confront the most challenging photonic design problems. Rapid prototyping and highly-accurate simulations reduce reliance upon costly experimental prototypes, leading to a quicker assessme.....
    Language : Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2011-09-12 Size: 2CD
  • Invensys_SimSci-Esscor_PRO/II_V9.1

    To install Proii90Patch1.zip: 1. Make sure you are not running PRO/II simulation. This may be verified through Task Manager in Windows 2003, Windows XP, VISTA?and Windows 7 operating systems. 2. To receive this Service Pack, copy and unzip the PROII90Patch1.zip file on your system. On more recent OS.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2011-09-12 Size: 770 MB
  • Lucidshape 1.91

    LucidShapeG is a powerful software tool for the design of lighting systems and optical components. This special edition for general lightingcombines versatile state-of-the-art lighting tools with an intuitive design interface and extraordinary accurate photometric raytracing capabilities. You can b.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2011-08-24 Size: 1CD
  • Microstran Limcon v3.60.110626

    imcon V3.60 is a powerful design aid for a range of connection types. Limcon (Limit States Design of Steel Connections) V3 is a powerful design aid for a range of steel connection types. Features include: Checking to AISC LRFD, BS 5950, or AS 4100. Shear, moment, HSS connections and splic.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2011-07-05 Size: 1CD
  • OPTIS SPEOS CAA V5 Based R10

    World-leading light and human vision simulation solutions directly in CATIA V5 OPTIS edits a range of software for the scientific simulation of light and human vision within a Virtual Reality Environment. Its solutions allow designers, ergonomists and engineers to simulate and optimize lighting per.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2011-07-05 Size: 2CD