gPROMS is a platform for high-fidelity predictive
modelling for the process industries. Its main
applications are in model-based engineering
activities for process and equipment development and .....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2011-07-02 Size:
In an industry where cost effectiveness and productivity
are imperative for success, the award winning
OptiSystem can minimize time requirements and
decrease cost related to the design of optical systems,
links, and components. OptiSystem is an innovative,
rapidly evolving, and powerful software des.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2011-06-22 Size:
A seamlessly integrated suite of optical and opto-mechanical design tools includes: TracePro®, OSLO®, and a menu of add-ins enabling streamlined workflow and interoperability among other commercially available optical and mechanical design software tools. Interested? Try our 30-day free trial of T.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2011-04-27 Size: 364 MB
HyperChem 8 has the capability of being a graphics and GUI provider
(including the displaying of results) for a number of third party
software packages. These packages may include other ab initio and
semi-empirical packages such as GAMESS and MOPAC2007. Included with
HyperChem 8 is the c.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2011-04-27 Size: 195 MB
Computational Informatics Software for Molecular Modelers
Whether you're looking for the next new breakthrough drug, the next
generation in pesticides, the most exciting new flavor or fragrance, or
any other molecular discovery project, we know what you're up against.
You have .....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2011-04-14 Size: 730 MB
Chemstations ChemCAD VERSION
CHEMCAD New Features and Enhancements
* Added a new operating mode, TurboK, which can decrease calculation time for complex simulations (2841)
* Replaced License Manager 7.2 with RMS License Manager (see important upgrade message) (3364)
* Added the capabil.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2011-03-16 Size: 1CD
SpartanModel is an "Electronic Model Kit". Making
use of computer technology, SpartanModel replaces
the "plastic models" used by past generations of
organic chemistry students, and extends the utility
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2011-03-10 Size: 780 MB
This DVD contains CAESAR II 2011 (Version 5.30). Upon inserting this DVD
and closing the DVD Tray, the "auto-run" should start and begin
the installation process.
If the "auto-run" does not start (usually because this ability has
been turned off in the System Registry), navigate to the
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2011-03-10 Size: 1.79 GB
For 40 years, SimSci-Esscor®’s advanced applications have improved asset performance and utilization with integrated simulation, optimization, training, and process control software and services. Spanning the entire lifecycle of modern processing facilities, customers range from the novice user to.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2011-02-01 Size: 450 MB
OPTIS edits a range of software for the scientific simulation of light and human vision within a Virtual Reality Environment. Its solutions allow designers, ergonomists and engineers to simulate and optimize lighting performance, colors, optical effects, product lit appearance as well as the visibil.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2010-12-17 Size: 1CD
What is photometry ?
Photometry is the study and the measurement of light.
What is illumination design ?
Illumination design is the use of photometry for the
creation of lighting or lit products.
What does SPEOS CAA V5 Based / Light Modeling bring
me ?
The Light Modeling package is the first ever .....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2010-12-17 Size: 623 MB
OPTIS edits a range of software for the scientific simulation of light and human vision within a Virtual Reality Environment. Its solutions allow designers, ergonomists and engineers to simulate and optimize lighting performance, colors, optical effects, product lit appearance as well as the visibil.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2010-12-17 Size: 1CD
Powerful, secure, Windows-based, multi-host access for the evolving
enterprise RUMBA provides connectivity from Microsoft Windows desktops to
virtually any host system with mission critical reliability. Innovative
features increase user productivity, reduce total cost of ownership, and
Language : Multi Language Authorization: Business Freshtime:2010-11-19 Size: 284 MB
CHEMCAD is Chemstations' intuitive suite of chemical
process simulation software that broadens an
engineer's capabilities and increases productivity.
CHEMCAD supercharges an engineer's efficiency when .....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2010-11-19 Size: 365 MB
Computational Informatics Software for Molecular Modelers
Whether you're looking for the next new breakthrough drug, the next
generation in pesticides, the most exciting new flavor or fragrance, or
any other molecular discovery project, we know what you're up against.
You have en.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2010-11-15 Size: 694 MB
Even the basic version of SIMATIC STEP 7 gives you easy access to the full potential of Siemens’ controllers. STEP 7 Professional opens even more possibilities thanks to a wide selection of program editors, while the Basic version provides a shared platform for programming S7-1200 controllers and S.....
Language : Multi Language Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2010-11-04 Size: 664 MB
PREMIER system je komplexní informační a ekonomický software (ERP system) pro řízení menších, středních a středně velkých firem. Technologicky vyspělé produkty Premier system nabízí komfortní pokrytí všech firemních procesů, rychlou dostupnost a bezpečnost dat, stabilitu, ote.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2010-11-01 Size: 339 MB
Integrated design analysis for casing and tubing configurations
Landmark’s WELLCAT™ software provides precise solutions for both wellbore analysis and integrated casing and tubing design. The software calculates accurate downhole temperature and pressure profiles which can be used for pipe-body mo.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2010-10-24 Size: 345 MB
IBM Lotus Notes Domino Designer and Admin Client (c) IBM Corp.
Easy to use, integrated desktop client that brings you the people,
business applications, and information you need from across the
enterprise and the Internet to help you get your work done fast.
Language : Multi Language Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2010-10-15 Size: 633 MB
Designed for businesses with more complex needs, QuickBooks
Enterprise Solutions offers all the features in QuickBooks
Premier plus:
Enhanced reporting customizati.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2010-10-14 Size: 588 MB
Model business issues mathematically and solve them
with IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimizer's powerful algorithms
to produce precise and logical decisions.
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2010-10-14 Size:
Formix SE - nova verze Vaseho pomocnika, ktery Vam umozni
jednoduse navrhovat, vyplnovat a tisknout vsechny
existujici formulare, dokumenty, tiskopisy a seznamy. To
vse primo z Vaseho pocitace.
Lze snadno .....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2010-10-14 Size: 18 MB
IBM Lotus Notes Client v8.5.2 *GERMAN* (c) IBM Deutschland GmbH
IBM Lotus Notes, der hochwertige, integrierte Client fuer IBM Lotus
Domino, kombiniert E-Mail-, Kalender- und Zeitplanungsfunktionen mit
einer leistungsfaehigen Desktop-Plattform fuer Anwendungen fuer die
Language : Multi Language Authorization: Business Freshtime:2010-10-11 Size: 460 MB